"Russell Brand is correct about the French Revolution coming soon to your neighborhood. That's why I'm moving to Costa Rica and taking my money with me. Who is John Galt?"
Not you, that's for sure. Have a nice trip!
First of all, revolution means no one giving much fuck about your pieces of paper with numbers and "in god we trust" printed on, or anything else you claim to own for that matter. Yeah, you can go and change your dollars into Costarican won or whatever, but then what? Tax havens are easier to destroy than you might think.
Second, no one gives much fuck about you either. Even if you're Mark Cocksuckerberg himself, there are still thousands of poor people more gifted and skilled than you. No, you don't matter. You're just one less reactionary asshole we have to deal with. No one needs you here.
I might just remind you that the evil empire your herione escaped from was still ahead of free&brave America in the space race until that wicked commie JFK started pouring billions into the education of poor people. Back in those days (between 1942 and 1964), the highest rate of federal income tax was steadily around 90% and yet the United States have managed to invent computers and nuclear weapons and dozens of other very important things, win the second world war and put the first men on the Moon. Now it's just 40% and yet the United States do not give us anything but fetish gadgets and fucked-up military campaigns against the shittiest armies in the world. Not to mention spoiled little teenie boppers jacking off on Ayn Rand!
So again, how's that shit about individualism?