November 24, 2014

Israel & Me pt 2: the synthesis

It's not like I have any sympathy with the right: I hate them just as much as you do. Those things I wrote about Netanyahu and Lieberman in one of my "anti-zionist" articles, I still feel like that about them.

It's not like I indulge in long distance nationalism on facebook or anywhere else: I know how much I hate Hungarian Americans doing all that shit, so I don't do any of that shit as a Jewish Hungarian. That being said, coming to terms with my Jewish nationalism has made me feel a lot more empathy with the patriotic feelings of many Hungarians and other Goyim.

It's not like I don't know about the lefty roots of Zionism. I know it and I'm proud of it!

It's not like I can't see the enormous human and material cost of the occupation having something to do with the obnixiously high cost of living in larger cities. I'm a very ardent supporter of the 2011 social justice protests and I wish those far-right idiots helping the police disperse them only the worst.

It's not like I don't know that the majority of Holocaust survivors live below the poverty line.

It's not like I believe that peace can be achieved by saying "Palestine is Jordan!" as a mantra.

It's not like I don't know that the most popular name given to baby boys is in fact Mohamed.

It's not like I blame those young and smart ashkenazi hipsters leaving the country in droves, just like here in Hungary. I blame the right wing for every single Jewish soul they managed to exile with their permanent reactionary shitstorm.

It's not like I condone the outrageous practice of the Shin Bet blackmailing gay Arabs into collaboration with the "intel" they are still getting from the NSA.

I know all this shit, but still I'm a Zionist cuz that's just how I feel.

November 11, 2014

Israel & Me

Okay, I am NOT an anti-zionist! I would like to give my sincere apologies to all my leftist friends, but I just can't do that shit anymore. No hard feelings, just count me out! My heart is still bleeding for that hapless and hopeless bunch of people you call Palestinians because as human beings they don't deserve to live like that, but neither do we deserve to lose extremely valuable territories of our one and only country just so they can get their 23rd - the name of which means something like "vulgar asshole" in modern English, so I think I will just call them Arabs, but it's not like I hate them or whatever. No, I like them! I just think we shouldn't give that much of Judea and Samaria to a political entity invented with the sole purpose of destroying the Jewish state. These are some ugly thoughts I just can't seem to erase from my mind...

October 24, 2014

Média Unió

Tehát beszélgetni kell a gyerekkel, hogy van élet a weben kívül is!

Az alábbi jelenetet képzelem el:

Józsi: "Erzsikém, az úristen bassza meg, HOL A VACSORA???"
Erzsi: "Józsikám, már ne is haragudj, de..."
Józsi: "De, de, de! A faszom kivan már, hogy mindig csak a de! Én meg húsz órát lehúzok a gyárban, aszt mégse mondom, hogy de!"
Erzsi: "A gyárban? Szombaton? Már ne is haragudj, de a szagod alapján én inkább..."
Józsi: "Kussoljál, bazmeg! Mi közöd hozzá, hogy hol voltam?! A faszér kell neked mindig mindenre feleselni???"

[Józsi félholtra veri Erzsikét]

Józsi: "Lacikám, te meg már megint a számológép előtt ülsz? A faszom kivan már, hogy most már mindig csak a kurva számológép előtt ülsz!!!"
Lacika: "Hagyjál békén!"
Józsi: "Mi az, hogy hagyjalak békén? Tudod, mikor mertem volna én így beszélni az apámmal, hülyegyerek?! Hát nem is ültem egész nap a számológép előtt, az biztos! "
Lacika: "De most mi bajod van? Mit kéne csinálnom?"
Józsi: "Kussolnod, bazmeg, azt kéne, ha hozzád beszélek! A faszomat, hogy már a volánbuszon is a hülye fejedet látom, hogy a kurva számológépeddel büszkélkedsz! Ahelyett, hogy a réten fociznál az osztálytársaiddal..."
Lacika: "Már bocs, de esik az eső!"
Józsi: "Kussoljál! Mi vagy te, bazmeg, időjós? A faszér kell neked mindig mindenre feleselni???"

[Józsi félholtra veri Lacikát]

Józsi: "A faszomat érdekli, hogy esik az eső! Az én időmben még esőben is kinn fociztunk, nem a kurva számológépet buzeráltuk egész nap! Megint a Viktornak van igaza, hogy az úristen baszná meg ezt az egész zsidó kuplerájt! Adóztassák csak a gecibe, aszt legfeljebb többet nézünk tévét!"

October 21, 2014

Enter the Incel Feminist!!! (HU)

Cikk: A tárgyiasítás kultúrája [avagy] csajozási tanácsok a neten

Komment (szerkesztve):
Na, ennyi baromságot is rég olvastam már! Ebből is kitűnik, hogy a férfiak mennyire nem ismerik a nőket és mennyire nem tudnak udvarolni. Ezt sajnos a tapasztalat is mutatja. [...] Ja, és ez a mondat: "A nőket meg kell fosztani a jogtól, hogy eldöntsék, kivel fekszenek le. Ezt a választást intelligens civilizált férfiaknak kellene meghozniuk a helyükben" ??? Nálam már szállóigévé vált, annyira felfoghatatlanul abszurd és nevetséges gondolkodásmód...
Wow! Utóbbiról talán inkább az afgán lányokat kéne megkérdezni, hogy szerintük mennyire nevetséges és abszurd, de ebbe most ne menjünk bele! Egy elkényeztetett szociopata kaliforniai szargyerektől valóban kicsit furcsán hangzik, tehát ezt még adom. Inkább arról beszéljünk, hogy:

A Férfiak (die Männer) mennyire nem ismerik a Nőket (les Femmes) !

Na, nem mintha én ismerném őket, hiszen 3.5*10^9 ismerősöm még nekem se lehet, bármennyire is igyekszem a világ legnépszerűbb emberévé válni, de azért vérbeli macsóként mégis szeretnék valahogy hangot adni azon meglátásomnak, hogy a Nők (die Frauen) kb ugyanannyira nem ismerik önmagukat, mint amennyire a Férfiak (les Hommes) nem ismerik őket...

June 11, 2014

Adam Online

After listening to a copiuos amount of Space Ambient music while reading about this trending video game called Eve Online on Wikipedia and elsewhere, I thought the time is really overdue to create my very own sci-fi MMORPG!!!

Okay, these will be the races:

The Gaynigger Federation:
The most advanced and sophisticated race, both technologically and culturally. Their home world is the planet Anus in the 8th Sun System, far far away from here. They are much more intelligent than any other creatures in the universe, but the most fascinating thing about them is that they - with the help of their super intelligence and their highly developed telepathic system called Brain Tapping - have been able to create a society based on a truly perfect way of living without the presence of women: a male-only world!!!

The Phelpsian Crusade:
A fervently religious and brutally militaristic theocratic empire founded by the most devout members of the Westboro Baptist Church who hijacked a Gaynigger supply ship with the help of Rick Santorum and Dinesh D'Souza, shortly after the liberation of planet Earth from the cruel oppression of women. Their homeworld is a very cold and harsh planet chosen by their most eminent scientists in order to prevent their citizens from becoming gay and also to prevent the Jews (See below!!!) from influencing the empire with their global warming hoax.

May 5, 2014

Society of the Hungarian spectacle

Okay, this is the list of things you cannot bring into the splendid new Pancho Arena. Erected in the home town of our great prime minister (right under the garden of his family cottage), this ornate secessionist structure is able to accomodate almost 4000 people - more than twice the village's population. Yes, the hilariously ungrammatical last-but-not-least item after
  • Toilet paper
  • Wrenches and screw-drivers
  • Flags and banners (in a stadium!)
  • Magic wands
  • Lipstics, eyeliners, facial cream and deodorant spray
  • "Socialism, both national and international" (as they like put it)
  • Capitalism (i.e. The grabbing hands - Any better suggestions?)
is the reason why this image showed up on, together with a long-winded and painfully bureaucratic explanation from a PR dude representing the stadium. I wonder what he thinks about fake (i.e. not "actual") politics...

April 9, 2014

Why did we re-elect Mr Orban?

First of all, I didn't. Neither did any of my friends or relatives and neither did at least 73% of the eligible population. It was the remaining 27% which did. Hailing from the City of Cheap Hipsters otherwise known as Budapest, thus having to compete with a liberal amount of unemployed or government-employed Sociologists and other BA's spending their precious time on their precious (and popular) Hungary blogs written in sufficient or even eloquent English, I might just concede to the notion that there's nothing I could possibly add to this debate. However, with bullshitting being the national sport here, I just cannot help but think there is.

So how did this shit happen?

March 21, 2014

Anarchism for dummies (hu)

Forrás: Gondolkodj&Lázadj blog

N: Az a legfőbb baj veletek, hogy nemzetellenesek vagytok.

A: Mit értesz azon, hogy "nemzet"?

N: A magyar nemzet a magyar emberek összessége! Azok, akik magyarnak érzik magukat, mert magyar a szívük-lelkük. Ezt talán Illyés Gyula fogalmazta meg a legjobban: "magyar az, akinek fáj Trianon".

A: Ugyanez az Illyés írta később a Horthy-rendszer legélesebb kritikáját, a Puszták népe című szociográfiát is. Mi mindenféle elnyomás ellen harcolunk! Alapvetően minden állam az elnyomásra épül, tehát mi mindegyik ellen küzdünk az USA-tól Izraelen át a Kínai Népköztársaságig. Ha a román vagy a szlovák állam elnyomja az ottani magyarokat, mi azt is ellenezzük.

N: Érdekes, hogy mégse látunk titeket egy olyan demonstráción sem, ahol ezek ellen tüntetünk! Ebből is látszik, hogy hazaáruló nemzetrontók vagytok, a magyarság ellenségei!

A: Szerintem meg az látszik belőle, hogy nem akarjuk megveretni magunkat az eszmetársaiddal, de ez most lényegtelen. Egyáltalán nem vagyunk a "magyarok ellen", hanem éppen azt akarjuk, hogy ez a nép is szabadságban és békében élhessenek, mentesülve a kizsámányolás minden formájától. Ti vagytok azok, akik fenntartanátok a magyar emberek kiszolgáltatottságát egy igazságtalan és erőszakos rendszerrel szemben. A radikális nacionalizmus a tőkések utolsó mentsvára.

February 13, 2014

Wasted Talent

Letter to woman who posted this article with the caption: " so much wasted talent :( "

Wasted talent? Wow, that's cute! It's naive and childish in a very funny way to assume that this shit coming out of Ivy League schools is meant to "create value" in any way instead of consuming it as the modern ruling caste of corporate feudalism. Come on, what planet are you from? Were the first and second estates of medieval France ever meant to create anything? Well, neither are these fucktards! All they ever learn is nothing but the Ideological Apparatus as described by Althusser: an ossified dogmatic mythology infused with more or less mathematical formalism just to make it convincing for a seemingly rational society. The very essence of their "talent" is nothing but pure parasitism. That's what they learn to do since early childhood. 

The purpose of the finance industry is simply to suck off the surplus value created by the rest of society and turn it into unproductive investments like artificial islands, futuristic weapons, incomprehensible arts or fancy arcologies costing hundreds of billions while doing absolutely nothing for the survival of mankind. These are the pyramids of today. No, there's no conspiracy here: that's just how a society with 85 people owning more wealth than a billion people actually works. That's how the system is stabilized. What we need is no more and no less than a new revolution of the new third estate: doctors, engineers, teachers, factory workers, etc. This infernal embodiment of pure evil called the finance industry is the very heart of the global power apparatus with money being the direct representation of power, and that's why it must be destroyed. Not reformed or humanized or whatever, but burned to ashes and dredged with salt. The whole monetary system of the United States must be re-built from scratch. Any questions?

January 29, 2014

Lenin as a golden calf

Letter to Russian girl who liked my solidarity pictures for Ukraine

See, I'm not obsessed with Lenin :D

This needs some clarification indeed because I certainly see there are many on the far left who are totally obsessed with him while I'm not. Okay, maybe I'm just a traitor who preaches about revolution while voting for the greens or the centre-left, but still I criticize these from a far left perspective and there are many far left parties in Europe I would vote for, which means I also belong to the far left. That being said, I really think these nostalgic commie assholes are a huge pain in the ass. No, I don't like them! I hate them. They keep posting this arrogant shit on their blogs and facebook pages about the Ukrainian protesters being the bad guys because some of them are nazis, and the police being the good guys because Lenin. What the fuck?

January 13, 2014

Religion in my life

In Europe it's really weird, but it's commonplace in America: Atheists being far more obsessed with religion than their Agnostic and Oprahist (i.e. "spiritual but not religious") compatriots combined. It's not necessarily their fault because religion is still quite a hot topic over there and Atheists are still compared to nazis and pedophiles on a daily basis, even by living monuments of compassion like Oprah herself. If you are an Atheist but otherwise a conformist who respects authority, Europe is definitely your place. Europeans tend to treat religious feelings the way they treat penises: you can be as proud of yours as you want but you don't keep showing it off in public, not to mention pushing it down other people's throats.

January 4, 2014

Confessions of an ex-zionist

Okay, I know there are few things more disgusting than a gentile envying the Jewishness of a Jew, but the thing is that I've always been totally fascinated by Judaism since my early teeange years. At the Bible school I always enjoyed the old testament much more than the new, and I really loved the fact that Jews were very liberal just like me. I was always bewitched by their relentless intellectual pragmatism. I learned Hebrew and I read Chaim Potok and I listened to Ofra Haza. Of course I was on Israel's side! If not for anything else, then just to piss off right-wingers. The ground zero of my sympathies turning into a foolish obsession was the point where I seriously considered supporting the ultra-violent thugs of the Jewish Defense Leage. Those days the only topic I was willing to talk about was Judaism and Israel, so I connected those to even the most unrelated things. Fortunately it all started to fade away in a very prosaic way when a girl from Israel just pissed me off with her ego-centric behaviour, so I decided to take a softer line. I even started flirting with the idea of a Palestinian state on the West Bank instead of the East Bank (replacing that shitty kingdom of Jordan), so I can safely say I was a soft-line zionist until a Zizek speech and some other things opened my eyes to the bitter truth: there's nothing particularly Jewish in this regime anymore! I found that this culture I hold so dear is being turned into its exact opposite by the ideological apparatus of this new kind of zionism. Yeah, that's when I became an "anti-zionist"!

January 2, 2014

No Anthems Day

Update: A levél címzettjével azóta rendeztük a dolgokat, barátságunk immár megbonthatatlan!

Magamba szálltam és elgondolkodtam, de nem kellett volna. Eddig ugyanis egy kicsit szégyelltem magam, de most már annyira se. Nem voltam jó arc, de másrészt nem voltam is arrogáns és nem is kötekedtem senkivel, tehát a legkevésbé sem érdemeltem ki azt a minden szintet alulmúlóan alpári bánásmódot, amit te és a degenerált haverod énvelem szemben tanúsítottatok. Ezek után egyszerűen nem tudom magamat szégyellni. Ha a mégoly tenyérbemászó trollkodást még egy általad ismert és gyakran látott elvtárstól is csak a nyers erővel tudod kezelni, az gáz. Nem kicsit gáz, hanem nagyon gáz. Igazából én már több szilveszteri buliban is megtrollkodtam a himnuszt, mert kamaszkorom óta van egy ilyen gonosz szokásom, de valamiért mégsem történt velem soha semmi. Persze, az is igaz, hogy eddig nem a munkásmozgalom(!) kőkemény fenegyerekeivel buliztam, hanem haszontalan ingyenélő egyetemistákkal és társadalmunk egyéb melléktermékeivel, de azért voltak köztük jobbosok is. Mit gondolsz, vajon mit szóltak be ezek a jobbos egyetemisták? Bizony ám: SEMMIT! Na, és tudod, miért? Azért, mert úgy voltak vele, hogy nekem elvakult balliberális létemre nyílván ez a rögeszmém, vagyis rám hagyták. Wow! Képzeld, ilyen is van! Kemény dolog, mi? Pedig a jobbosokban állítólag nincs is semmi empátia! Nos, annyi azért mégis szorult beléjük, hogy szilveszter alkoholmámoros éjén békén tudtak hagyni egy láthatóan problematikus embert.