December 12, 2011

Poor old GWF

Guess I found the worst misuse of hegelian dialectics ever:

The title of the video might stop you wondering why I just said this, but let's still muse on for a while. I think it really shows just how "anti-hegelian", how totally atomized - that is, individualistic - our society has become...

Okay, I know I have to be careful when bashing individualism. Many people point out that the huge American success of my "newfound idol" Slavoj Zizek has the most to do with exactly this radical individualism. The Pervert's guide to cinema, for example...

A better example might be the transvestite Maoist. I mean, trannies in a khaki uniform are really something which can only appear in a radically individualistic culture... Although I might have to point out that individualism and non-conformism is not the same thing! Hungarians, for example, are usually considered extremely individualist, but that wouldn't prevent Mr Trannie Maoist from being lynched on the streets of Budapest, so there's a difference! Nevertheless, he wouldn't have fared much better with the Great Helmsman either.

All right, so let me finally bash individualism! Just a little bit! It won't hurt.

I'm not that much of a non-conformist, by the way. It's not that I like comformism to any degree, I just don't have any sense of style. My ex-girlfriend even dared to say I look like a middle-class daddie in his thirties, so I really have nothing to lose!

First of all, what the author of the video calls "illuminati mind control" is almost exactly what Mr Hegel called "History". What does this actually have to do with individualism? To explain that, I might nead to introduce the basics of hegelian dialectic. I only had one semester of philosophy during my whole life, so it's going to be really basic...

/* I wrote an explanation, but it became so long that it would make everyone forget the original point of this article. If you want to read it: Click here!

Nonetheless, I recommend you to read it after finishing this one.*/

What many of us (including the video's author) might already know are the words "thesis", "anti-thesis" and "synthesis". There is a thesis, which gets contradicted by an anti-thesis, and the contradiction is resolved with the synthesis.

What many of us don't know is what these words actually mean in Hegel's concept. In fact, Hegel never even used these words! He used Abstract, Negative and Concrete. The words we use today were actually introduced by Heinrich Moritz Chalybäus.

So it has really nothing to do with the Illuminati. Why do people still think so? I think it is because of the atomization of our society. I use this word to conjure up some negative aspects of individualism. So what's the point? The point is that people have become so individualistic that they are simply unable to regard history as a distinct entity beyond our control.

To make it clear, History is beyond our control exactly because every human being has a free will. This makes it a very stochastic process indeed. Now don't get me wrong! You are able to change history! Even the lowliest member of society is able to change the course of history.  You can change it, but you cannot control it! The result will always be something you didn't expect. This is the point!

What controls history is a common world view shared by a vast majority of people. But the problem is that no one is able to control this world view. It controls itself. The very existence of free will is therefore the most important reason why individualism doesn't make any sense.

And the fact that the very theory invented to explain the whole thing is considered a tool of the Illuminati to control our minds, this just shows how grave the situation is.

All right, now let us assume for the moment that there actually is such an Illuminati group controlling the media and everything else from their vast underground command center. Well, maybe there is! You never know. But the problem is that if this dark and secretive group actually exists, you just cannot get rid of them, since the common world view of our society will keep presuming their existence. If, for some weird reason, they would unanimously decide to come out and say sorry and commit collective suicide, there would pretty soon be another group of dark and secretive people taking up the vacant job.

This is the reason why the bolshevik revolution failed so tragically. Even though they managed to exterminate all the capitalists in the country, they could not exterminate capitalism itself. The spirit of the world was not yet ready to abolish this system.

Karl Marx's analysis points out that capitalism will definitely destroy itself in the future, but it doesn't tell us when. In fact, it cannot. Capitalism has reflected upon Marxism and changed itself as a result. It is the most flexible system ever to exist in the history of mankind. That's why it is completely impossible to predict the extact time of his downfall. We can only predict the fact that it will fall down someday.

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