January 28, 2012

Kimble Goes Jail

If I were paranoid enough, I would sure as hell claim that this pathologically selfish and childish fat-ass with all of his obnoxiously tasteless buffoonery and the personality of a pampered five-year-old is the invention of the Copyright Mafia to demonize the file-sharing movement.

 Well, okay! I'm not paranoid enough, since many adherents of the "movement" - instead of distancing themselves from this madman and his antics as far as possible, and spreading the theory above in thousands of YouTube comments - actually commit themselves on his side not only with words but also with deeds. After his file-sharing website - allegedly responsible for 4-5% of global internet traffic - was taken down by the FBI, many important corporate and government sites went offline as well. Only for a few hours, of course, because of DDoS attacks. But it was a large scale attack involving several experienced hackers around the globe.

Even though such operations are nowadays all too common in the world of electronic warfare, I could list dozens of issues for which there would be no such effort being done, even though they are exponentially more important than saving the cash cow of a disgusting psycho millionaire. The service done by MegaUpload was technologically so primitive that even I would be able to re-start it in a week with the appropriate legal environment and the necessary amount of cash. For me it is completely incomprehensible why so many hackers devote so much of their time for the person doing by far the most to demonize their profession and their ideas with actually zero hacking skills. Even the most brilliant anti-piracy campaign featuring the coolest "musicians" from MTV would be ridiculously ineffectual compared with the work this nauseous slimebag has done against the cause.

Of course it is not about the person but the ideas which are violated by the actions of the US government, I know that. I don't support these actions even though I would be the happiest to see their target fucked in the ass with the biggest dildo ever to exist in the history of mankind. Nevertheless, I think the prestige of Anonymous has taken a free fall with this DDoS campaign. What they were doing was pure insanity of the most single-minded sort. This is a time when the movement should really shut up... 

Well, okay! They shouldn't shut up. Appeasement is never a viable strategy against fascism. There were sure as hell many Jews prosecuted by the Nazis for good, like bankers and racketeers, but the fact that the rest of them was watching these wicked show trials in silence did nothing to prevent their death in the gas chambers afterwards. 

Today we are only baby steps away from digital fascism: the end of the free Internet. There is no guarantee that SOPA will not be enacted in the future, and there are many people pointing out that an international treaty called the Anti-counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) might not be anything less horrible than those outspoken pieces of US legislation. The darkest days in the history of the Internet are approaching with dangerous speed.

To return to my unclaimed conspiracy theory, let's just say that the images of Kim Schmitz accompanied by luxury cars and prostitutes showing up everywhere in the mainstream media is a dream come true for the copyright holders. Nobody except for the fanatic Anonymous hackers will care about the fact that companies like Disney or Warner make a thousand times more money than this guy. For the man on the street, the pirates will be the rich criminals living a life of decadence and moral corruption beyond imagination, and the industry fatcats will be the decent pious Christians working hard for the money stolen from them by these criminal elements.

It might be that the entertainment industry with its completely outdated business model have lost 500 million dollars because of Schmitz, but it might also be that they will win 500 billions with all the legislation passed after the wild stories about his decadent lifestyle going rough. 

Now let me really make up some wild and weird theory here. Do you thing that Kim's arrest came just by chance only days before the voting on SOPA and PIPA? Well, maybe. But somehow I just can't rule out the opposite. Because this is how fascism works. Scapegoats do make some damage to society, but later they make ten times more profit for its new rulers who will make a hundred times more damage to the rest of us in return.

MegaUpload was the Reichstag Fire of the digital world...

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