January 7, 2013

Atlas shrugging

So Gerard Depardieu is gone. What a sordid moment for the people of France! Because he was so offended by the prime minister calling him pathetic after he's been working since the age of 15, hell yeah! Nothing to do with earthly issues like money, God forbid, nothing at all! And man, he was raised by his father to be a global citizen, now wasn't he? Come on! Ain't that just fucking cool? Vives les self-made citoyens globales!

Sure as hell this all is none but a super evil left-wing conspiracy of those pinkos runnig the French media and trying to destroy him for the crime of supporting Sarkozy. Yeah man, as if that commie French media were not airing his simple position of reactionary individualism every day and every night! Or maybe I'm wrong? Do they leave a few fleeting moments for the wicked communist propaganda that after France made him world famous and insanely rich producing and marketing and buying his movies, it might be a nice and decent thing to shut the fuck up and pay the tax? My goodness, those cheese-eating surrender monkeys are so full of envy!

There is maybe one argument which might be a good point: there are other millionaires evading this tax with a foreign residence and they are (allegedly) recieving less criticism because they (allegedly) supported Hollande. Or maybe because they are not such grateful topics for the yellow press after not being such mind-blowingly arrogant alcoholic turbo buffoons, but sure as hell these other people would also deserve tons of criticism for being disgustingly hypocritical. I mean, the solution is obviously to criticize them as well, and not to refrain from criticizing this chickenfucker. Logic, anyone?

No, wait! I have an even better idea: how about taxing the act of leaving France? Hm? How about that? For rich people and rich companies alike. The whole issue of globalization would be kind of solved. I just can't see why this cannot be done... Is there anyone left to pay that fucking tax in the republic of France?

You know, there's something making me kind of nervous: everyone is such a huge fucking rebel bitching like hell about "the system" with a huge fucking heart bleeding hectolitres of blood for the poor and the oppressed, but when it comes to a real left-wing government intended to tax the rich, I can be grateful if at least they keep their mouths shut. I mean, some of them actually start lambasting the very idea of taxation, claiming to be the die-hard Anarchists who keep it consequential, and this is just starting to make me kind of hate Anarchism, actually. Yeah man, fuck that shit! Fuck all the Libertarians in the ass! Why, what should a left-wing government actually do? Take his magic wand and spell "let there be a garden of Eden here", or what the fuck? This is the invisible tyranny of the right wing, for God's sake and you self-declaring Anarchists (soi-disant, just to flaunt my great knowledge of French) are all part of it! Yeah, dudes, you are working for the evil system! That's what you are, oh brave and valiant champions of freedom. If the left wing does nothing, that's the big problem. If, on the other hand, it does something, that's the big problem. Now what? At least you should try and get some good cash for your loud and disturbing tirades of nonsense...

Note: Paradoxical as it may sound, Anarchy is not working without social discipline. It's not working without punishing the oppressors of mankind. Hoarding money is an act of oppression which must be punished. That's it. That's how Anarchism works. Anarchy is order.

Okay, if you think I have a hidden agenda here, you might be right. Secretly I do hope there are quite a lot of real global citizens with a global concern out there who are quite outraged by this circus of Putin's hooker. I mean it's not even a recent development! He was there ecstatically applauding the president as he was singing Blueberry Hill. He was there shouting "Glory to Ramzan Kadirov!" in Grozny. He was there on TV calling the regime a "flawless democracy" or something like that. He's going to star in some stupid film directed by the Paris Hilton of Central Asia: the millionaire daughter of Uzbekistan's bloodthirsty dictator, also a puppet of the Russian regime. Is there anything I forgot? So if Depardieu says he hates France because of other things and not the money, well, there you have a few "other things" to hate him back. The citizens of Europe and the citizens of Russia are both at the very unfortunate side of a huge reactionary phallus in this story. The ruling classes of Europe can show that Atlas is indeed shrugging as we speak and there's no chance for the people to do any kind of justice, while the ruling classes of Russia can re-polish their image which was tarnished by the new decembrists and Pussy Riot.

I know the French right wing loves this hustling douchebag since he supported their wonderful little Bling Bling president, but hopefully the left wing hates him for the very same reason. All right, now cut the bullshit! It's perfectly fine to hate him for that! If you stand up for a politician, you become a politician as well. There's no turning back unless you stand up again and take it back. And I can also imagine that simple working fellows with a tiny bit of common sense can also hate him for being the shamelessly ego-centric anti-hero of all those irritating red carpet stories bombarded from everywhere. Come on! It's just plain annoying, admit it! That self-important fat face is really craving for a fist...

All right, so what's the point of loving a shamelessly arrogant and ego-centric asshole from every second irritating celeb story who also happens to be a very successful advertiser of alcoholism? I can tell you there is one! I mean psychologically, of course. For the modern reactionary petty bourgeois in the fever pitch of American individualism, loving a successful and also pathologically selfish celebrity means that they can feel a little bit successful as well. Different from all those "filthy bums" who hate him obviously out of envy and small-minded conformism. Yeah, sure! Small-minded conformists of the world, unite!

[Note: My daddy was an alcoholic and that made me suffer quite a lot. It's not cool.]

Think about it! Now, for example, I could keep thinking about all those things I have with Gerard in common (e.g. I also have a "large frame", so to speak), and this could make me feel so fucking cool! Different! Unique! It's just that I didn't work hard enough for my success and I was never in the right place at the right time, c'est la vie. After admitting this, I could also feel totally fucking wise. Now that's a psychological gain! I could be the everyday cool guy in contrast with all those small-minded bums if only I would love him! That's why I would be so cool. And also because of reading the Fountainhead, lest I forget! It is crucially important that such a celebrity has a personality which is pathologically ego-centric and pathological in general. Firstly it just makes him all the more "unique", secondly it helps a lot to legitimize the disorders of your own personality. For example, your alcoholism. And your selfishness.

But why Russia? It's so cold and so far away from France... But hey! They have vodka! Bingo! Na zdarovye! And also, pretty much like him and not like his sissy gay-loving compatriots, they are sure as hell much more of the macho type. Yeah, Russians are so the men! They are the frank guys, the tough guys! Plus their society is at least a thousand times more elitist and feudal than that of Europe, which is kind of a utopia for someone with a sizeable fortune. Russia is the place where rich people can truly do whatever they want! They are never pestered by a guy who looks like a high school principal. Well, okay, they might get thrown to jail by a guy who looks like a mafia boss - also for charges like tax evasion as a matter of fact - but that's another story! If you don't cross paths with this guy and his friends, you'll be fine.

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