First of all, let me state as firmly as posslible that I'm totally and absolutely disgusted by the cold-blooded execution of twelve reputable journalists who did some outstanding work I actually personally liked (though frankly they did some very tasteless bullshit as well, but let's just respect the dead). Nonetheless I cannot but say I'm a bit disgusted by the reportage of these slayings as well. Why? Because obsessively repeating that there's no cause to merit such a horrific act of Terrorism (*yawn*) implies that the killers may have had such a worthwile cause. Let me just ask what that cause might be? Is it Islam itself as the rightwingers say or is it indeed some vulgar sense of justice against French racism or imperialism or whatever? Well, errr... No! What makes these killings so exceptionally disgusting and outrageous is precisely the fact that there really was no fucking cause! Like seriously: is there anything subversive in the act of killing people exactly because you think they were subversive? No, this was not a rebellion against anything in any sense! It was conceived right from the start as an absolutely punitive disciplinary measure, the "justice system" of a totalitarian regime that claims to be Islamic only as much as National Socialism claims to be Socialist.
Come on now! These mongrels are actually proud of having nothing to do with any kind of Islam except for their own deliberately desecrated kind. They are not even trying to conceal the fact that they want nothing but absolute and unquestionable power over the minds of Europe's new underclass, and why should they? There's no one else seriously striving for any kind of real power involving real responsibility over the lives of all those hapless HLM kids. No parents, no lovers, no bosses, no politicians, not even their own fuckin government-licensed imams.
Something tells me these terrorists were just fulfilling the subconscious desires of the French far right, also a frequent target of Charlie Hebdo which is a strongly left-leaning magazine by the way. First I even though they might have been another Breivik with his meth-addicted friends. What these lunatic camelfuckers want is nothing but more and more of us to envy the ease with which they use brutal physical violence to discipline society or even just to take away from others what they want. Yes, they do hate our freedoms of speech and enterprise! They hate them because they envy them because they just can't seem to get them for various intricately fucked-up reasons, so they want us also to envy their freedoms of simply killing anyone they don't seem to like and turning their daughters into sex slaves and being the ultimate bad guys who matter.
That is their worthwile cause in all its glory and grandour! None of them gives a single fuck about religion, but make no mistake because this blatant shit is indeed more potent than any other shit they might have. That is to say, anything except for good old Communism. Oh, come on! Don't you ever miss the good old days from before we started playing this delirious nonsense called the End of History? It looks like we managed to kill History with its grand narratives of progress, and now we have ISIS and Marine Le Pen instead. One may note those Psychos are still better than the Khmer Rouge at least so far, but one may also note that they are probably very much in love with Marine since they also kind of hate our tolerant and compassionate ways of dealing with others and they would love to see her abolish the whole thing! They want Front National to be our own ISIS beheading their fighters and raping their daughters in the name of pseudo-christian memes and White Pride, like back in the old days. That is indeed the only language they speak and it's only natural that they want us to speak it with them, as much as the fact that so many of us would be very happy to comply, but it's kind of obvious that we must not comply. No, we must force them to learn our language whatever it takes, even if it means more Capitalism on the short term.
Yeah, we have all those billions of transistors and rising wages in China and solar cells going cheaper than oil wells and all that wonderful shit! It's good shit. Capitalism with all its horrible evils is still a very efficient way of solving humanity's problems including those it creates along the way. For example the war that gave birth to ISIS in the first place, a war for its very own sake without any apparent cause except for the fact that our leaders had nothing better at hand to maintain the spectacle of leadership, now that was really uncool. Yeah, that might just take something more than transistors and solar cells to solve because Capitalism is really cool indeed, but Communism is even cooler.
Why? Because Jesus. He told you so.
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