Man, I do love the Holy Crown of Hungary! It's simply grand. Our royal crown is the coolest in the Universe! If you ask the big experts of holycrownology, one of them will sure as hell explain that the whole thing is about tolerance, respect of other nations, freedom, unity, equality, peace, blah blah blah. Tons of idealistic tree-hugging hippie shit. Just go and ask them!
But most importantly it is about the sovereignty of the people! Every citizen of the realm, no matter if he or she is Hungarian, Slovak, Serb, Gypsy or Jewish, is a "member" of the Crown, and the Crown is completely superior to the king who wears it. The king doesn't really matter the tiniest piece of shit. He's just a figure carrying it around. It's the Crown which matters! The nation is ruled by the Crown itself. It's a completely independent and sovereign entity... Well, except for the fact that we are all its members, so there's no crown without the people. The Crown is us! Ain't that brilliant?!