May 2, 2015


What I really fuckin hate is douchebags accusing me of having political stereotypes. Yes, I do! So what? Trust me, dear douchebag, so do you! I'm so sorry if that sounds like an insult, but you have every fuckin bit as many as I do. Some of them might even be justified while some of mine might indeed be unjustified, and yet I can rest assured that you're not gonna dissect & debase any of them because you accuse me of simply having them. Yeah, as if you had none! Like anyone too angry with your big smirking face is so the paranoid extremist asshole, right? Like I must be so the raving lunatic nerd guy destroying liberal democracy with my super arrogant commie fascism, right? And I wanna destroy you cuz I was harrassed at school and now I can't get laid, right? No, I'm just telling you as a friend to go fuck yourself!

Nothing more and nothing less. You really should just stop trying to hide your shit behind sneaky doublethink because political behaviour will always be stereotypical in a class society, no matter how hard you're trying to play Buddha. No, it's not gonna be that cozy shopping mall of ideas your idolized TV pundits say it's gonna be! At least not until this Dictatorship of the Proletariat thing is actually established, but that's exactly what you're trying really hard to prevent by lecturing me that there's no such thing as a working class.

My god, that was so fuckin outside the box! Oh, please just teach me the secrets of your happy-go-lucky lifestyle! Go ahead and keep repeating that 2 + 2 might just as well be 3 or 5, but it won't change the fact that it's fuckin Four. Of course there are these things called complex numbers, not like I assume you know about them, but they all seem to have an absolute value. Guess what kind of number that value is? Real, fucko! It's a real number! And the one that makes them complex is called imaginary. Yeah, math is so full of violent extremism! It really should be banned like the Quran, right?

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