November 3, 2013

Miklos Horthy was GAY!!!

I tell you man, this dude was sooo fucking gay! I really don't know why he's celebrated for selling our country out to Romanian goatfuckers and then to German sheepfuckers, but he sure as hell loved the cock!  Yeah, just look at that fucktarded fucking face of that smug fuck! You know... Well, you probably don't know after being spoon-fed with this rosy bullshit about us being the bulwarks of your shitty Western civilization, but here's the thing: those inglorious commie basterds you keep cursing, they were actually dying like shit to defend our holy mighty fuckin Big Hungary in the first place (i.e. back in 1918) while this fudgepacker gave it all up to Romanian gipsy fucks as if (s)he were doing a yard sale! I might also add that Big Joe Stalin as a matter of fact or at least all probability and common sense was quite ready the give us all those shitloads of land back if only we stayed neutral instead of racing down the bottom with our supposed enemies in sucking nazi cock! Yeah, we brave Hungarian fighter dudes never trust those Commie dogs, eh! We trust you American motherfucks who set us up back in 1956, right?

Oh, wait! I almost forget: You know what's still gayer than this fuckin dude? Pretty hard to imagine, I know, but yeah, I tell you: It's that coke-for-cock Zázrivecz kid with his Better Hungary outfit, man! Woohoo! This nuschool post-postcommunist Casanova with all his doggies & kitties & 'Dawson's Creek meets Family Frost' chick flicks at Gellert hill is a real butt-buddies' lovefest!

Ah yeah, the future! It can't be... Oh, wait a sec! Didn't the great admiral just pass away like some seventy years ago? Hmm, you guys must know some real wicked shit about spacetime!

Note to Gays & Gypsies & Germans: It's okay, I was just satirizing the shit!

Err... No hard feelings, right?

October 26, 2013

Who the hell is John Galt?

"Russell Brand is correct about the French Revolution coming soon to your neighborhood. That's why I'm moving to Costa Rica and taking my money with me. Who is John Galt?"
Not you, that's for sure. Have a nice trip!

First of all, revolution means no one giving much fuck about your pieces of paper with numbers and "in god we trust" printed on, or anything else you claim to own for that matter. Yeah, you can go and change your dollars into Costarican won or whatever, but then what?  Tax havens are easier to destroy than you might think.

Second, no one gives much fuck about you either. Even if you're Mark Cocksuckerberg himself, there are still thousands of poor people more gifted and skilled than you. No, you don't matter. You're just one less reactionary asshole we have to deal with. No one needs you here.

I might just remind you that the evil empire your herione escaped from was still ahead of free&brave America in the space race until that wicked commie JFK started pouring billions into the education of poor people. Back in those days (between 1942 and 1964), the highest rate of federal income tax was steadily around 90% and yet the United States have managed to invent computers and nuclear weapons and dozens of other very important things, win the second world war and put the first men on the Moon. Now it's just 40% and yet the United States do not give us anything but fetish gadgets and fucked-up military campaigns against the shittiest armies in the world. Not to mention spoiled little teenie boppers jacking off on Ayn Rand!

So again, how's that shit about individualism?

August 29, 2013

Antikommunizmus sucks

Kritikai elemzés és comingoutolás a Fent&Lent blogközösség részére
A téma forrása egy régi, de kellőképpen rosszindulatú rosszhiszemű bejegyzés

Van egy rossz hírem: kurvára nem vagyunk komcsimentes övezet! Egész egyszerűen azért nem, mert ha az MSZP-t és társutasait nevezhetjük posztkommunistának, akkor igazából magát Sztálint és az ő társutasait is nyugodtan nevezhetjük annak. Miért ne? Ha egyszer valamelyik olvasónak netán kezébe kerül az Elárult forradalom című remekmű, abból megtudhatja, miről is van szó. De ha már itt tartunk, akkor természetesen e remekmű szerzőjét is simán nevezheti posztkomcsinak az az olvasó, aki történetesen inkább a LibCom nevű angol webszájtot olvasgatja, és akkor az ő body countja már tényleg a nullához közelít.

August 6, 2013

Turanism for dummies

I've just been kicked from a Facebook group called "Turkish-Hungarian friendship" because I honestly thought this ethnic shit can be done without Nazis on board, but it looks like I was wrong. I must note that Turanism is indeed not supported by the mainstream scientific community and genetic studies show our present-day population is mostly Slavic and Germanic and Persian. Nonetheless we used to have the same religion before Christianity and the invading Magyar tribes were basically Turkish. I often think that we [socialists] must try to co-opt all this historical bullshit as long as we [humans] cannot exterminate it for good, but I always get totally disappointed by the activity of Nazis.

Then again, what did I expect? Any casual observer would very casually remind me how all this etchnic bullshit is rapidly disappearing as we speak, and casually ask what made me think otherwise? Even Nazis themselves seem to care ever less about their roots as the immediate problems of the day seem to be more than enough for them to care about. So what the hell were I doing in a Facebook group for Turkish-Hungarian friendship in the first place?

June 3, 2013

Migrant solidarity

Kettős Mérce (post):
Ma migránsok, olyan emberek tüntettek Budapesten akik szeretnének ebben az országban élni és dolgozni: 

"A tüntetés célja, hogy felhívja a döntéshozók és a közvélemény figyelmét arra, hogy az Országgyűlés nem büntetheti a menedékkérőket azzal, hogy elzárja őket, nem csorbíthatja a jogorvoslathoz való jogukat és nem teheti még kilátástalanabbá a Magyarország által védelemben részesített üldözött személyek integrációját. A menedékkérőknek a brutális őrzött szállások helyett, a menekülteknek pedig a túlzsúfolt és embertelen “előintegrációs” táborok helyett a nekik járó szociális, egészségügyi és jogi segítséget kell nyújtani elsősorban szociális lakhatás, a munkaerőpiachoz való könnyebb hozzáférés és megfelelő minőségű egészségügyi szolgáltatások nyújtásával."

Fénykép: menekültek és szimpatizánsok ülnek transzparenseikkel a Roosevelt téren

Szituáció: (szélső)jobbos trollsereg szokásához híven támadásba lendül...

May 16, 2013

Nobody steals our chicks and lives

I just found a fabulous website pimping Hungarian women in the very graceful fashion of all those lovely dating sites supposed to send you a Chinese/Ukrainian lover by priority mail. It's genuinely funny because the whole thing reads like a vintage issue of Playboy from the 70's, when Hungary was indeed a popular source of pretty young brides for Italians and Germans. Those were the days when we didn't laugh our asses off reading such inane descriptions of our society like this one. It lists the benefits of our famously pretty girls in such a prudently straightforward way that it makes you feel like reading a user's manual for a new TV set. Too bad that the stuff has absolutely nothing to do with Hungarian reality...

April 29, 2013

Goulash, anyone?

It's totally weird to see this one in the Daily Hatemail, but it's all correct. János Kádár was a very enlightened technocrat compared to all those pathologically arrogant and feeble-minded stalinist idiots like Brezhnev and Honecker, but even to our "democratic" politicians of today. If only he were alive and the Hungarian Socialist Party (aka MSZP) would nominate him, he would most certainly win with an epic landslide next year. The funny thing is that this "socialist" party - the successor of the regime's "communist" party - actually did win with an epic landslide in 1994, after four years of right-wing bullshit. As we may have expected from the greatest champions of technocratic reformism on the Wild East, these "reformed communists" almost immediately started enacting some very brutal policies of neoliberal austerity...

April 14, 2013

Enemy of the enemy

Metakrtitikus gondolatok egy Észak-Koreát védelmező íráshoz

Időnként nem egészen értem, hogy Észak-Korea "rendszerkritikus" barátainak konkrétan melyik rendszerrel van oly nagy bajuk. Nem mintha bárkitől is el akarnám vitatni a rendszerellenesség nemes bélyegét, hiszen magam is rohadtul utálom, mikor egyes ilyetén beállítottságú kritikusok "liberális demokratának" próbálnak beállítani, de azt azért látni kell, hogy a két hivatalosan szembenálló rendszer valójában nagyon is jól megvan egymással: Észak-Koreánál jobb ellenségképet keresve sem találhatna magának a nyugati jobboldal, míg ugyanez elmondható az amerikai neokonzervatívokra a Kedves Vezető szemszögéből. A két dudás egyelőre nagyon is jól megfér egy csárdában, sőt mi több: szükségük van egymásra! Kiegészítik egymást, mint a yin és a yang.

April 8, 2013

The witch is dead

"There's no such thing as society!" - Thatcher, 1987
"There's no such thing as Thatcher!" - society, 2013

Okay, I'm not happy in the strict sense for Maggie's death because I know it doesn't make our lives any better and I knew how the right wing was going to use the event the saturate the whole media landscape with dribbling hagiography - even from the "socialist" president Obama, which is really nauseating albeit not surprising - and they can also accuse the hard left of being insensitive or whatever.

April 6, 2013

They live

This picture tells it all! It's an artistic composition...

- On the background, we can see the monstrous abomination of Capitalism as it spreads and grows and consumes everything. ("Játékterem" means Gambling room!)

- At the center, the large white box is actually a commemorative plaque for anti-fascism which kind of looks like a piece of ruin from the late antiquity. Indeed it is a forsaken relic saved by chance from the all-consuming memory hole of right-wing idiotism.

- At the foreground, however, we can see the power of the people par excellence!

Feel it!!!

April 5, 2013

Protagoras pt 2

Scene 1: Socrates is rushed out of bed by Hippocrates

Hip: Socrates! Socrates! Wake up!

Soc: Hippocrates, what the holy fuck is wrong with you? My god, it's 4 AM!

Hip: Socrates, I need to talk to you! I have splendid news: Protagoras is in town!

Soc: What? Dude, he's been here since friday! How come you didn't know?

Hip: Oh God, I was pursuing my fugitive slave for five days and I just came home recently! Shit happens, you know. Well, at least I managed to take him back...

Soc: All right, now tell me what's the matter! Why aren't you sleeping now?

Did Protagoras rob you on the street or what the fuck?

Hip: Hell, yeah! He robbed me, that's for sure! Of all the wisdom he's keeping from me! You know, we were already finishing our diner when my brother started to talk about this guy and I just got so excited! Come on, he's staying with Callias! Why not go there right now?

Soc: Mother of mercy, relax! That son of a bitch is probably sleeping now after having spent the night with some hookers in town. I'm pretty sure you will find him getting his shit together in the afternoon. You can go pay him a visit and of course some very good money as well. If you do that, he will sure as hell become your super best friend!

Hip: Really? Man, I wish this were the case! He can take all the money I have! And I want you to speak with him on my behalf. You know, I'm young and I've never seen him, and he is said to be the most the most successful speaker in Greece!

Soc: All right, take it easy now! Let's go to the garden, pick up some fresh air and talk this through...

Protagoras pt 1

Intro: Socrates starts telling his story to some guy

Guy: So how's it going with that young and handsome Alcibiades? I just saw him yesterday, his beard is fully out. Still I say he's sexier than ever!

Soc: What? Of course he is! Young guys are the sexiest when their beard comes out! That's what the great Homer said too.

Guy: Sure, sure! So how are things going? Is he being nice to you?

Soc: Oh, yes, he is! Especially today. He just helped me out in an argument. But you know what happened? I just found a man who was so much sexier that sometimes I didn't even notice he was there!

Guy: You're kidding me, right? No one is sexier than... Hmm! I guess this guy is from another town, right?

Soc: Yep! He comes from Abdera.

Guy: And you tell me this stranger is really hotter than the son of Cleinias?

Soc: Yes! And you know why? It's the brains, man! That's what makes a man really sexy! I tell you, this guy was so just smart, it just blows your mind! Protagoras is the smartest man in the universe!

Guy: What? Protagoras is in town?

Soc: Yes, he's been here for two days.

Guy: Oh boy! Why didn't you just start with this one? Did you converse with him?

Soc: Yes, and I said many things.

Guy: Lucky bastard, you! Now you gonna sit down and tell me all that happened!

Soc: I'd be delighted! It all started out very early in the morning with that idiot Hippocrates, the son of Apollodorus and brother of Phason. It was not even dawning when I hear him banging on my door like shit...

March 19, 2013

Delhi vs Steubenville

I just love it when right-wingers are mocking the perceived stupidity of left-wingers because it always boils down to the notion that ideas beyond the scope of their ideological indoctrination are simply to be called stupid. I have always admired the graceful simplicity of this cognitive pattern. A very abstract example would look like this:
Liberal: "2 + 2 + cos(0) = 5"
Conservative: "What? 2 + 2 + 0 = 5 ? Man, you're sooo stupid!"
Liberal: "You know, the cosine of..."
Conservative: "Oh, not again! Yet another brainwashed idiot who buys that Marxist nonsense about triangles!"

February 25, 2013

Flat Earth Society

Libertard: Climate change wackos. Awesome.

JD: Kill babies kill, so we can drill baby drill.

Libertard: Who's killing babies? And who ever took Sarah Palin seriously?

JD: How long have you been on this page, Ryan?

Libertard: A while. Based off of this video, I cannot tell if you are defending climate change, or simply pointing out that the media is ignoring it.

JD: Defending climate change? Am I defending the fact that industrial pollution is heating up the atmosphere? Who defends that?? (Other than the industries doing it, that is...)

If you have been here for a while you will know the US military kills lots of babies, all the time. Sometimes Americans kids, too.

February 21, 2013

Black block for the 1%

Gecire szubjektív élménybeszámoló

A tegnapi hökös-jobbikos flashmob véleményem szerint minősíthetetlenül primitív, arrogáns és infantilis volt. Nagyra értékelem, hogy a végén egy-két tag leszakadt a csoportról, hogy értelmes diskurzust folytasson velünk, miután a többiek elmentek, de maga a performansz ettől függetlenül minden lehetséges kritikát alulmúlt.

January 9, 2013

Clever racists unite

Background: notable fascist blogger sentenced to 14 months, suspended for 5 years, just one day after prominent member of the governing party writes insanely hateful propaganda against our largest ethnic minority. (See previous article!)

All right, folks, here's the brilliant idea: if you're an anti-racist, they will pay you a ticket to ride public transport in "gypsy-infested" areas so you can see for yourself how bad those people (in quotation marks, of course) actually are.

Chairman, wow! Now that's what I call a blockbuster! I just go to those areas and I will immediately become a good racist like them! Veni, vidi, vici! How could I just fail to think about this? It's obviously because I'm such a stupid brainwashed liberal, hell yeah! Even though this "you wouldn't be so liberal if you'd have to live with them" bullshit is practically the one and only argument racists ever made during the entire history of mankind, and they always make sure to burp it into any kind of discussion anywhere anytime. No matter if the discussion is started by liberals, libertarians, socialists or conservatives, no matter if it's started at daytime or nighttime, they will always stand up to tell you the big fuckin' truth...

January 8, 2013

Cheers from Bavaria

The following article is NOT from a fascist hate site. It comes from a prominent member of the governing Fidesz party. Apart from being the most arrogant columnist of the "mainstream" right-wing press, he's a regular speaker at pro-government rallies attended by tens of thousands. (Hundreds of thousands according to the government!) I tried to reproduce the author's boorish and tasteless writing style.


Among these two citations[1] lies the gypsy question of Hungary.
The year 2013 has set off with a new Cozma case[2]. The only difference is that the victims were not internationally recognized top players but "just" in the youth league. Who got stabbed by the cowardly, disgusting and harmful animals.
This phrase above will be the motive for the fake outrage. Which is much simpler, rewarding and turns much more profit in this polcorrect [sic] world than facing the facts.

January 7, 2013

Atlas shrugging

So Gerard Depardieu is gone. What a sordid moment for the people of France! Because he was so offended by the prime minister calling him pathetic after he's been working since the age of 15, hell yeah! Nothing to do with earthly issues like money, God forbid, nothing at all! And man, he was raised by his father to be a global citizen, now wasn't he? Come on! Ain't that just fucking cool? Vives les self-made citoyens globales!

Sure as hell this all is none but a super evil left-wing conspiracy of those pinkos runnig the French media and trying to destroy him for the crime of supporting Sarkozy. Yeah man, as if that commie French media were not airing his simple position of reactionary individualism every day and every night! Or maybe I'm wrong? Do they leave a few fleeting moments for the wicked communist propaganda that after France made him world famous and insanely rich producing and marketing and buying his movies, it might be a nice and decent thing to shut the fuck up and pay the tax? My goodness, those cheese-eating surrender monkeys are so full of envy!