November 24, 2014

Israel & Me pt 2: the synthesis

It's not like I have any sympathy with the right: I hate them just as much as you do. Those things I wrote about Netanyahu and Lieberman in one of my "anti-zionist" articles, I still feel like that about them.

It's not like I indulge in long distance nationalism on facebook or anywhere else: I know how much I hate Hungarian Americans doing all that shit, so I don't do any of that shit as a Jewish Hungarian. That being said, coming to terms with my Jewish nationalism has made me feel a lot more empathy with the patriotic feelings of many Hungarians and other Goyim.

It's not like I don't know about the lefty roots of Zionism. I know it and I'm proud of it!

It's not like I can't see the enormous human and material cost of the occupation having something to do with the obnixiously high cost of living in larger cities. I'm a very ardent supporter of the 2011 social justice protests and I wish those far-right idiots helping the police disperse them only the worst.

It's not like I don't know that the majority of Holocaust survivors live below the poverty line.

It's not like I believe that peace can be achieved by saying "Palestine is Jordan!" as a mantra.

It's not like I don't know that the most popular name given to baby boys is in fact Mohamed.

It's not like I blame those young and smart ashkenazi hipsters leaving the country in droves, just like here in Hungary. I blame the right wing for every single Jewish soul they managed to exile with their permanent reactionary shitstorm.

It's not like I condone the outrageous practice of the Shin Bet blackmailing gay Arabs into collaboration with the "intel" they are still getting from the NSA.

I know all this shit, but still I'm a Zionist cuz that's just how I feel.

November 11, 2014

Israel & Me

Okay, I am NOT an anti-zionist! I would like to give my sincere apologies to all my leftist friends, but I just can't do that shit anymore. No hard feelings, just count me out! My heart is still bleeding for that hapless and hopeless bunch of people you call Palestinians because as human beings they don't deserve to live like that, but neither do we deserve to lose extremely valuable territories of our one and only country just so they can get their 23rd - the name of which means something like "vulgar asshole" in modern English, so I think I will just call them Arabs, but it's not like I hate them or whatever. No, I like them! I just think we shouldn't give that much of Judea and Samaria to a political entity invented with the sole purpose of destroying the Jewish state. These are some ugly thoughts I just can't seem to erase from my mind...