November 11, 2014

Israel & Me

Okay, I am NOT an anti-zionist! I would like to give my sincere apologies to all my leftist friends, but I just can't do that shit anymore. No hard feelings, just count me out! My heart is still bleeding for that hapless and hopeless bunch of people you call Palestinians because as human beings they don't deserve to live like that, but neither do we deserve to lose extremely valuable territories of our one and only country just so they can get their 23rd - the name of which means something like "vulgar asshole" in modern English, so I think I will just call them Arabs, but it's not like I hate them or whatever. No, I like them! I just think we shouldn't give that much of Judea and Samaria to a political entity invented with the sole purpose of destroying the Jewish state. These are some ugly thoughts I just can't seem to erase from my mind...

There are few people in this world I find more obnoxious than Sheldon Adelson and I'm totally outraged by almost everything he ever says, but even such monstrous douchebags can be right sometimes. The Arabs themselves started talking about the West Bank and its inhabitants as a separate nation called Palestine only after the 1967 war. That was the moment they had to realize that the fucked-up reactionary puppet kingdom controlling the much larger Eastern part of the former British mandate was unable to conquer a single acre of land and unwilling to naturalize a single Arab person from the Western part, despite the fact that those people had the same ethnicity and culture and everything as the vassals of King Hussein.

No, I'm not saying all this in the name of God because I know he's not a fuckin real estate agent up there. I'm thinking about very practical matters like most of the Eretz's fertile land being on Area C or the impossibility of re-settling half a million Jews within Israel "proper", not to mention that seven million who might have to come in a worst-case scenario. I have no objections against the establishment of a Palestinian state for I have no right to prevent a group of people from defining themselves as a nation, but I have every right to question their territorial claims. And I also have the right to prevent their refugees from returing to Israel since the same number of Jews were also very forcibly expelled from the Middle East despite having lived there since biblical times. Yeah, shit happens! They could have just moved into the homes of those exiled Jews and nobody would say a word.

The fact that Zionism is turning more and more into the lunacy of aging fascist gangsters like Mr Adelson, to me it just shows how immensely successful the cynical masterminds of Intifadah have become with their strategies of pushing their own people in harm's way just so they can call us murderers and drive those of us not willing to betray our dearly beloved nation into a full-blown moral panic. Yeah, the human shields! Now I can almost hear you shouting at the screen of your computer and I think your attitude is no better than that of Kahanists calling everyone a nazi. You are suppressing any serious criticism of Hamas and the UNRWA and Arab elites in general the same way they are suppressing all criticism of the IDF and the settlers and Jewish elites in general. Regarding the level of idiotism, there really ain't no difference, and it's not just the "anti-imperialist" basket cases I'm fed up with. I think the holier-than-thou style of Mondo Weiss and the Jewish Voice for Self-hating Peace and Gideon Levy are also rather demagogic: the way they showcase the collective brain-death of a few dozen retarded Beitar fans as if such a thing would never happen anywhere else, or the way they turn the heartfelt soul-searchings of our soulsearcher in chief Mr Rivlin against us by wondering what would happen if those things were said by the goyim. Yeah, I just wonder how you feel when a Russian douchebag says the things you may sometimes say about America!

I am still very open to the idea of abolishing nations altogether for peace and unity and all that hippie shit, but I think it's just a bit unfair to start with the one re-created by its forsaken people after two millennia of desperate longing during which you tried your very best to annihilate them. I used to regard Israel as a failed state we should simply abandon with all its culpabilities, but now I regard it as the only thing keeping anti-semitism at the bay of hating a powerful political entity instead of the people it claims to represent. Trust me, you would find a new excuse to hate us or sympathize with our haters in no time! I might also note that bringing these people under the rule of those trying their best to annihilate them right now is not exactly what John Lennon sang about, but nonetheless I will try to refrain from wild accusations if we don't make it. Our great and almighty realtor Jah has given us this land on the condition that we keep being nice and cool, like back in the old days. We are losing our grip on the situation mostly because so many Jews have become obnoxiously arrogant and selfish - the kind of people Jeremiah was lamenting about before the Babylonian invasion. If we keep producing so many high-profile assholes, all that shit might just happen again.

Alright, now let's bring this neurotic confession back to the very personal level on which it started because in the end it all comes down on your personal history. All those lengthy argumentations might have achieved nothing but a few extra bruises on your head against the wall, but you might still feel like trying to understand cuz you're such a cool dude. Well, let's just say my mind has been "infested" with this emotionally supercharged hard-style Zionism for almost as long as it has been with Communism. It's a long long story! I know it's impossible to harmonize with good old scientific Marxism, but I don't want to become a right-wing asshole and so I just keep trying in my very quixotic ways. Like have you ever met some of those anti-deutsch kids in Berlin? Well, that's how I grew up! Guess it has to something to do with my Autism. I tried to give up on Zionism instead, but as you can see it didn't go well. It's the longing to be part of something bigger, to connect with my mighty invisible friend Mr God! This is the great magic of tribalism, whether it's a family or a football team or an ethno-religious group. I doubt if I could just totally replace it with class consciousness even if the groups in Hungary still willing to do that good old shit were not 95% nerdy male and 5% distraught female over fifty. Yeah, maybe I just need to get laid...

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