January 28, 2012

Protest Math

I must correct myself at one point about the Hungarian situation. Like many uncritical people on both sides, I just grossly overestimated the significance of this love march for the government.

The right-wing has just shown that they can still beat us in protest math. So what? Does this mean the people, the "men on the street" still love the government? No. Fidesz has made it once again what they made for eight long years. That's it. That's the story. No more and no less. As you might already know, the Hungarian right-wing has an idiosyncratic feature compared to their western counterparts: they have a voracious appetite for massive public rallies.

Kimble Goes Jail

If I were paranoid enough, I would sure as hell claim that this pathologically selfish and childish fat-ass with all of his obnoxiously tasteless buffoonery and the personality of a pampered five-year-old is the invention of the Copyright Mafia to demonize the file-sharing movement.

January 22, 2012

We are the 16%!

Yesterday's "peace march" was a truly astonishing PR stunt. After more than 20 months of amok from a government doing its very best to make some policy against both sides in as many issues as possible, finding so many brain-dead morons to march for them is a genuinely remarkable feat of organizing skills.

January 21, 2012

Long live the Dear Leader!

"Emberemlékezet óta Magyarországon ekkora tömeg még nem demonstrált a kormány és politikája mellett."

Na, és a 2002-es kétmillió? Szegény Rákai Philip presztizsét ne gyalázzuk már! Sportszerűtlen!

Our great 50 cent army

Just a little piece of info for all those turbomagyar government thugs out there:

It is currently 84% of the Hungarian population who are DISCONTENT with the way things are done by our (not so) splendid government.

Mr Orban might however win the next elections, but the word "democratically" means:

January 18, 2012


It is an irresponsible response and a disservice to people who rely on them for information use their services. It is also an abuse of power given the freedoms these companies enjoy in the marketplace today. It’s a dangerous and troubling development when the platforms that serve as gateways to information intentionally skew the facts to incite their users in order to further their corporate interests.
A so-called “blackout” is yet another gimmick, albeit a dangerous one, designed to punish elected and administration officials who are working diligently to protect American jobs from foreign criminals. It is our hope that the White House and the Congress will call on those who intend to stage this “blackout” to stop the hyperbole and PR stunts and engage in meaningful efforts to combat piracy.
This text was not written by a delirious schizophrenic tea-party granddad from Texas. It was written by the Motion Picture Association of America: a huge and almighty lobby group representing the interests of the American film industry. Now you might after all get a clue of why some people keep calling these guys the Movie Mafia...

January 12, 2012

Urgent call for unity pt 2

"Ennyi van, hogy a Szolidaritás és a Milla a Gyurcsányt támogatja és viszont. Nincsen összeesküvés elmélet. Csak ha mondjuk egy Gyurcsány mentes ellenzéki szövetséget szeretnél összehozni, akkor ez a két szervezet nem lehet benne. Jó, a Milla talán kevésbé, de valahol úgyis összetalálkoznak, mert a Millát olyanok csinálták, akik az SZDSZ környékén voltak mindig."
Orbitron Megacivil Megaharcos ezt a zseniális epigrammát küldte válaszul az előbb publikált jegyzetemre. Eredetileg azzal indított, hogy amit írok, az nem hülyeség, hiszen - idézem: "a Milla és a Szolidaritás Gyurcsány és a DK seggében van tövig". Ezt nevezem, baszki! Pure genius!

January 10, 2012

Urgent call for unity

Egyszerre vannak jó dolgok és szar dolgok. Az a baj, hogy a szar mindig jobban látszik...

Már a WiFi-átnevezős kampány után felébredt bennem a gyanú, hogy a Millában valami nagyon nincs rendben, és ez a gyanúm azóta megerősödött! Habár Juhász Péter személye és az LMP-képviselők kitiltása eddig sem túl sok jót sejtetett, viszont azóta egy kicsit bedurvult a helyzet, úgyhogy a köcsögség valamivel látványosabb.

Például a február 2-i tüntetéstől mi a fasznak kellett elhatárolódni? Vagy a Hírszerző hazudik? Természetesen a Hírszerző minden, csak nem szent, de azért az egyik cikkük mindenesetre elgondolkodtató:

January 4, 2012

Man of the future

Tegnap reggel Berlinbe mentem, hogy pár barátommal találkozzam a német szociáldemokraták közül. Frank-Walter Steinmeierrel irodájában találkoztam. Frank-Walter korábban külügyminiszter, alkancellár volt, most a Bundestagban az SPD frakció vezetője, és nem kétséges, hogy a jövő egyik embere...
Russian opposition activists celebrated when Steinmeier lost elections in 2009, signaling their discontent with him. Oleg Orlov, head of the Memorial human rights group, said that Steinmeier had prolonged Schröder's policies on Russia and that Germany's policies were "extremely bad for civil society, democracy and the country as a whole".

In 2008, Steinmeier refused to meet the Dalai Lama. Instead, he issued the statement "it takes a lot of courage not to meet with the Dalai Lama these days", which the New York Times described as "extraordinarily cynical" and accused him of prioritizing money over human rights.
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