January 29, 2014

Lenin as a golden calf

Letter to Russian girl who liked my solidarity pictures for Ukraine

See, I'm not obsessed with Lenin :D

This needs some clarification indeed because I certainly see there are many on the far left who are totally obsessed with him while I'm not. Okay, maybe I'm just a traitor who preaches about revolution while voting for the greens or the centre-left, but still I criticize these from a far left perspective and there are many far left parties in Europe I would vote for, which means I also belong to the far left. That being said, I really think these nostalgic commie assholes are a huge pain in the ass. No, I don't like them! I hate them. They keep posting this arrogant shit on their blogs and facebook pages about the Ukrainian protesters being the bad guys because some of them are nazis, and the police being the good guys because Lenin. What the fuck?

January 13, 2014

Religion in my life

In Europe it's really weird, but it's commonplace in America: Atheists being far more obsessed with religion than their Agnostic and Oprahist (i.e. "spiritual but not religious") compatriots combined. It's not necessarily their fault because religion is still quite a hot topic over there and Atheists are still compared to nazis and pedophiles on a daily basis, even by living monuments of compassion like Oprah herself. If you are an Atheist but otherwise a conformist who respects authority, Europe is definitely your place. Europeans tend to treat religious feelings the way they treat penises: you can be as proud of yours as you want but you don't keep showing it off in public, not to mention pushing it down other people's throats.

January 4, 2014

Confessions of an ex-zionist

Okay, I know there are few things more disgusting than a gentile envying the Jewishness of a Jew, but the thing is that I've always been totally fascinated by Judaism since my early teeange years. At the Bible school I always enjoyed the old testament much more than the new, and I really loved the fact that Jews were very liberal just like me. I was always bewitched by their relentless intellectual pragmatism. I learned Hebrew and I read Chaim Potok and I listened to Ofra Haza. Of course I was on Israel's side! If not for anything else, then just to piss off right-wingers. The ground zero of my sympathies turning into a foolish obsession was the point where I seriously considered supporting the ultra-violent thugs of the Jewish Defense Leage. Those days the only topic I was willing to talk about was Judaism and Israel, so I connected those to even the most unrelated things. Fortunately it all started to fade away in a very prosaic way when a girl from Israel just pissed me off with her ego-centric behaviour, so I decided to take a softer line. I even started flirting with the idea of a Palestinian state on the West Bank instead of the East Bank (replacing that shitty kingdom of Jordan), so I can safely say I was a soft-line zionist until a Zizek speech and some other things opened my eyes to the bitter truth: there's nothing particularly Jewish in this regime anymore! I found that this culture I hold so dear is being turned into its exact opposite by the ideological apparatus of this new kind of zionism. Yeah, that's when I became an "anti-zionist"!

January 2, 2014

No Anthems Day

Update: A levél címzettjével azóta rendeztük a dolgokat, barátságunk immár megbonthatatlan!

Magamba szálltam és elgondolkodtam, de nem kellett volna. Eddig ugyanis egy kicsit szégyelltem magam, de most már annyira se. Nem voltam jó arc, de másrészt nem voltam is arrogáns és nem is kötekedtem senkivel, tehát a legkevésbé sem érdemeltem ki azt a minden szintet alulmúlóan alpári bánásmódot, amit te és a degenerált haverod énvelem szemben tanúsítottatok. Ezek után egyszerűen nem tudom magamat szégyellni. Ha a mégoly tenyérbemászó trollkodást még egy általad ismert és gyakran látott elvtárstól is csak a nyers erővel tudod kezelni, az gáz. Nem kicsit gáz, hanem nagyon gáz. Igazából én már több szilveszteri buliban is megtrollkodtam a himnuszt, mert kamaszkorom óta van egy ilyen gonosz szokásom, de valamiért mégsem történt velem soha semmi. Persze, az is igaz, hogy eddig nem a munkásmozgalom(!) kőkemény fenegyerekeivel buliztam, hanem haszontalan ingyenélő egyetemistákkal és társadalmunk egyéb melléktermékeivel, de azért voltak köztük jobbosok is. Mit gondolsz, vajon mit szóltak be ezek a jobbos egyetemisták? Bizony ám: SEMMIT! Na, és tudod, miért? Azért, mert úgy voltak vele, hogy nekem elvakult balliberális létemre nyílván ez a rögeszmém, vagyis rám hagyták. Wow! Képzeld, ilyen is van! Kemény dolog, mi? Pedig a jobbosokban állítólag nincs is semmi empátia! Nos, annyi azért mégis szorult beléjük, hogy szilveszter alkoholmámoros éjén békén tudtak hagyni egy láthatóan problematikus embert.