January 4, 2014

Confessions of an ex-zionist

Okay, I know there are few things more disgusting than a gentile envying the Jewishness of a Jew, but the thing is that I've always been totally fascinated by Judaism since my early teeange years. At the Bible school I always enjoyed the old testament much more than the new, and I really loved the fact that Jews were very liberal just like me. I was always bewitched by their relentless intellectual pragmatism. I learned Hebrew and I read Chaim Potok and I listened to Ofra Haza. Of course I was on Israel's side! If not for anything else, then just to piss off right-wingers. The ground zero of my sympathies turning into a foolish obsession was the point where I seriously considered supporting the ultra-violent thugs of the Jewish Defense Leage. Those days the only topic I was willing to talk about was Judaism and Israel, so I connected those to even the most unrelated things. Fortunately it all started to fade away in a very prosaic way when a girl from Israel just pissed me off with her ego-centric behaviour, so I decided to take a softer line. I even started flirting with the idea of a Palestinian state on the West Bank instead of the East Bank (replacing that shitty kingdom of Jordan), so I can safely say I was a soft-line zionist until a Zizek speech and some other things opened my eyes to the bitter truth: there's nothing particularly Jewish in this regime anymore! I found that this culture I hold so dear is being turned into its exact opposite by the ideological apparatus of this new kind of zionism. Yeah, that's when I became an "anti-zionist"!

Here in Eastern Europe, the real oldschool hatred of Jews - responsible for the Holocaust and thus the creation of the Jewish state in the first place - is still alive and well and it provokes many on the left to embrace zionism. But we already have an ex-member of Hungary's notoriously fascist Jobbik party doing business with right-wing zionists while remaining the relentless ultra-reactionary asshole that he has always been, so there's reason to hope that things might change. He was the vice president of this fascist party until it came out that he was actually Jewish. First he tried to bribe those who eventually blew his cover, but he didn't make it, so he was eventually expelled. I guess you know the old cliché about Jews being good in business: well, this guy certainly is! Previously he was running a franchise of nazi boutiques selling books and clothes and bling, now his new product is his newfound Jewish identity and his "fight against hate" which he's selling with lectures and book contracts and all that jazz. Most of the Jews don't seem to like it but the right-wing (christian) zionists do, so the business is going. It's kind of funny.

I think Israel was a really cool place until the 90's because of all the wonderful people and things it fostered, but noneteless I believe that the whole concept of Zionism has always been a farce. Gays and Communists were also massacred by the nazis in large numbers and yet there's no one wishing for a Gayistan or a Commieistan, so there's not much reason to wish for a Jewistan either. Judaism has always been a religion and not an ethnic group. That's why African Jews are black, Russian Jews are white and the Kaifeng Jews are totally Asian. As an ethnic group they were invented by their haters in the first place, and I think this fact tells everything about the story. As a matter of fact, your right to an Israeli citizenship is still determined by the very same laws which were used by the Nazis to kill your grandparents.

The "security" Israel is giving to the Jews is like that of waving a big machine gun in the middle of the ghetto: it makes you feel safer while actaully making you much more prone to get shot by a gangster. In the present, the death of an Israeli Jew "following orders" on the battlefield is at least a hundred times more probable than the death of a European Jew attacked by lunatic jihadis or nazis. In the future, the destruction of Israel will be made all the more probable by the relentless violence of its defenders. The Jewish state does not seem to serve its purpose anymore.

It's hard to tell how much I hate Iran's lunatic ex-president, but there's one thing on which I can only agree with him: Israel as we know it today must be erased from the map. through a completely equitable economic integration of the two states which means no military occupation plus the free movement of citizens on each other's land, or alternatively through the forcible replacement of both states by a single secular and democratic regime. I repeat: there's no other option but these two! Neither the Jewish supremacy of Israel and nor the Islamism of Hamas can be acceptable. Uncompromising secularism is the only way to solve this thing.

Question: Did Blacks start killing Whites when Apartheid was ended in South Africa?

No, they didn't. Well, neither would Arabs start killing Jews.

That's something they would actually stop doing.

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