December 15, 2012

God bless

Amúgy most éppen megint hánynom kell az Egyesült Államoktól. Mert hát van ugyebár ez a 2nd amendment, ami sokak szerint azt mondja, hogy mindenkinek lehessen fegyvere...
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Ezt a szöveget még akkor írták, amikor az országnak még nem volt saját hadserege, hanem miliciák voltak az egyes államokban, tehát ezt próbálták valahogy kodifikálni. A mondatban elvileg nincs benne, hogy minden egyes polgárnak legyen fegyvere, de ez igazából teljesen lényegtelen. A szesztilalom is bele lett amendálva az alkotmányba, aztán most mégis lehet Utah államon kívül bárhol piát kapni...

December 9, 2012


Imagine there's no heaven
You don't even have to try
And hell is not down below us
Ain't nothing new under the sky
Imagine all the people
Finding out today...

Imagine there's no countries
Soon there won't be anyway
Nothing left to kill or die for
And no religion to hold a sway
Imagine all the people
Six feet down in peace...

I may say you're a dreamer
You dream this system can live on
I hope someday you will wake up
Or the world is gone

Imagine no more options
I'm pretty sure you can
The only chance to see tomorrow
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Having to share the world...

I may say you're a dreamer
Sure you're not the only one
I hope someday you all wake up
Or the world is gone

November 18, 2012

Green is not the new Red

This just in: the congress of the green party LMP has decided to slam the door on this new anti-Orban alliance called 'Together 2014', which is made up of three practically non-existent organizations and a technocratic millionaire who appears to be charismatic because of our well-known politicians being either assholes or retards or both. As you may already know, these organizations are the liberal outfit of dynamic yuppie go-getters called Million For Press Freedom or just Milla, the more or less official action network and political meme of the more or less affiliated trade unionists called Szolidaritás, and the businessman's own thin-tank which may very well have more than 3 people among its ranks. The name of the guy is Gordon Bajnai, pronounced 'buy-nuy'. He used to be prime minister for one year and he did some austerity which was not cool, but the capitalists seemed to like it.

This decision of LMP was welcomed with a great deal of support by the hard left, and you may be surprised to hear me disapprove it, but that's what I actually do. And I have quite a few good reasons to do so. It's not that I am "gravitating to the right" when the situation develops like some of my late activist friends would suggest, no! I'm not gravitating anywhere! As a matter of fact, I am much more extreme than most of the hippies and ragtag activists who make up the alternative left-wing scene, so this is really not the point here...

November 16, 2012

The faith factor

Good news: Kyrsten Sinema is the first representative having openly declared herself 'not religious' in the history of the US Congress! Even though one in 535 is more than a hundred times smaller than one in 5, which is the actual proportion of non-believers in the USA, it is sure as hell better than zero. Plus, apart from being smart enough to make this move, she also looks quite good!

Yeah dudes, Atheism is sexy!

I wonder if she's going to stay alone, like Bernie Sanders, representing a huge mass of American people, or will there be more swallows to come?

Oh, and I almost forgot the wonderful trivia: She calls herself... Guess what?

A "Prada Socialist"!!!

Now come on! Ain't that just wonderful?

This is how I'd like to see the new American Woman :)

November 6, 2012

BMI calculator in Haskell

bodymass :: Float -> Float -> String
bodymass weight_kg height_m
    | bmi < s = show bmi ++ " emo"
    | bmi < m = show bmi ++ " normal"
    | bmi < l = show bmi ++ " fat"
    | otherwise  = show bmi ++ " lard-ass"
    where bmi = weight_kg / height^2
          (s,m,l) = (18.5,25.0,30.0) -- Pattern!

          height = if height_m>100 
                   then height_m/100  
                   else height_m

October 27, 2012

How to be a xenophobe

Hungary is the land of incredibly selfish and narrow-minded overlords fighting each other with armies of incredibly arrogant and self-deceiving bootlickers for the ownership of an incredibly dispossessed and humiliated folk.

Germany is the land of enlightened moralistic conservatives and their legions of well-treated serfs working diligently and patiently for national grandeur.

France is the land of everlasting Thermidor where both progress and decline are caused by a fathomless amount of snobbish nationalism.

Britain is the land of bitter misanthropic cynicism and cold tendentious brutality.

America is the land of infantile individualism.

Japan is the land of infantile collectivism.

October 14, 2012


There's no canonical definition of the word 'violence'. Most people only consider physical force attacking a human or animal being, and its verbal form 'violate' implies that the actor is taking the initiative. On the other hand, violation of some stupid law or privilege is hardly considered violence by anyone.

The Golden Rule says you must treat others like you want others to treat you. If you don't treat them so, you are being violent. (What if I'm a masochist?) However, the old testament says you must do this to your neighbour and not your enemy. This matters: the neighbour is an unknown neutral fellow citizen, not your mother-in-law. The love of your enemy was introduced by Jesus and his contemporaries: they were referring to the more or less average citizens of belligerent nations who really don't have much to do with the whole situation or they really don't know what they're doing. All this is common sense for the enlightened man of today. Back then it was not, but today it is. Today we need new wisdom in order to cope with our new problems, but the people often seem unwilling or unprepared to accept new stuff, so we try to play around with the old stuff instead, which is really quite uncool.

The better of two evils pt 2

Mea Maxima Culpa!

Habár nem hiszem, hogy túl mélyen megbántott a hülyeségem, de ha esetleg mégis, akkor tényleg sorry! Meg természetesen a személyeskedő megjegyzésekért szintén. Tehát ez a gondolat, amit kifejtettem, hogy muszály Gyurcsánnyal összefogni, mert őt sokan szeretik, ez már akkor is nyílvánvaló faszság volt, amikor kifejtettem. Mert egyrészt nem szeretik sokan, másrészt akik szeretik, azok úgyis szavaznának bárki másra is. Habár a gyurcsányista az sajnos olyan, mint maga a gyurcsány, hogy képes nagyon sokat ártani a megsértődéseivel meg az állandó pattogásával, tehát vigyázni kell velük. Némelyikük ráadásul befolyásos ember. Elmebeteg paranoiás köcsög vállalkozók és menedzserek között például elég sok van.

October 9, 2012

The zebra puzzle

[Note: In my version, there's a fish...]

There are five people of different nationalities living in five houses of different colours, drinking five different things, smoking five different cigars and keeping five different pets.

Nations: Brit, Dane, German, Norwegian, Swede
Houses: Blue, Green, Red, White, Yellow
Drinks: Beer, Coffee, Milk, Tea, Water
Cigars: Blue Master, Dunhill, Pall Mall, Prince, Blend (X)
Pets: Cat, Bird, Dog, Fish, Horse

These things we know:
  1. The British person lives in the red house.
  2. The Swede keeps dogs as pets.
  3. The Dane drinks tea.
  4. The green house is on the left of the white house.
  5. The green homeowner drinks coffee.
  6. The man who smokes Pall Mall keeps birds.
  7. The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill.
  8. The man living in the center house drinks milk.
  9. The Norwegian lives in the first house.
  10. The man who smokes Blend lives next to the one who keeps cats.
  11. The man who keeps the horse lives next to the man who smokes Dunhill.
  12. The man who smokes Bluemaster drinks beer.
  13. The German smokes Prince.
  14. The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
  15. The man who smokes Blend has a neighbor who drinks water.
Question: who owns the fish?

October 1, 2012

The better of two evils

"Nem érzem magamhoz közelebb Bajnait, mint Orbánt."

Ezt a mondatot nem én írtam, tehát nem tudok szó szerint egyetérteni a kijelentéssel, de mégis megvédem azt, aki igen.


Mielőtt belevágnék a sűrűjébe, legalább annyit muszály elismernem Bajnairól, hogy a progresszív adórendszert valószínűleg azonnal visszavezetné, és ez jó lenne! Habár 2010 előtt konkrétan azt akarta, hogy évi 16 millióig tartson a legalsó adósáv, ami azért elég lájtosan progresszív. Ettől függetlenül, tehát ezen kívül még vannak megfontolandó érvek Bajnai mellett: a "demokratikus ellenzék" berkeiben jelenleg ő az egyetlen személy, aki az egyszerre nagyon reakciós és nagyon piacpárti magyar választóközönséget per pillanat meg tudja nyerni, meg emberileg speciel énhozzám is sokkal közelebb áll, mint Orbán...

Na, de most akkor jöjjön a sűrűje! Én ugyanis nagyon nem értem, milyen alapon várja el bárki is egy (leendő) radikális baloldali párttól, vagy akár az LMP-től, hogy belépjen egy ilyen ultra-neoliberális "national salvation" koalícióba? Nem értem, miért nem képesek egyesek fölfogni, hogy a baloldalt sokak (és egyre többek) szemében nem Tony Blair neve fémjelzi? Az egy dolog, hogy összefogunk Orbán leváltása érdekében, de hát mi jöjjön azután?

Na, jó! Igazából a Bajnai-fanokat is meg kell érteni! A helyzet súlyosságára való tekintettel valóban nincs jogunk elzárkózni ettől az embertől, amíg nem ütköztettük vele az álláspontunkat. A baloldalnak tehát konkrét követeléseket kéne megfogalmaznia az összefogásért cserébe. Ezekre aztán a liberálisok természetesen azonnal elkezdenének fröcsögni, hogy mennyire irreálisak és felelőtlenek, meg valószínűleg Bajnai sem fogadná el őket. Nos, ez lenne az a szent pillanat, amikor azt mondhatnánk, hogy részünkről a fáklyásmenet.

Az LMP-ről viszont lehet tudni, hogy kapcsolatban áll Bajnaival, tehát valószínűleg megvitatták vele ezeket a dolgokat, mielőtt nemet mondtak volna az összefogásra. (De lehet, hogy rosszul sejtem.)

Én viszont azt állítom, hogy ezeket a dolgokat nyílvánosan kéne megvitatni...

September 24, 2012

Lelki terror

Mi történik, ha a gyermek először szembesül a homoszexualitással?
Nézzünk meg egy képzelt párbeszédet erről:
Gyermek: "Józsi és Feri amúgy miért vannak folyton együtt?"
Feslett erkölcsű agymosott liberálbolsevik anyuka:
"Hát azért, mert szeretik egymást! Ugyanúgy, mint apád és én."
"Tényleg? Férfiak is szerethetik egymást úgy, mint apu és te?"
FEALbA: "Hát persze!"
Gyermek: "Hmm. Érdekes... Kaphatok még egy kis müzlit?"
A fenti párbeszédből nagyon érzékeltesen látszik, micsoda megrázkódtatást okoz a gyermek törékeny kis lelkében a homoszexualitás ilyen jellegű megismerése. Lelki gyötrelmeit pusztán azért titkolja, mert elfajult és elkorcsosult liberális kultúránk erre rákényszeríti! Persze, valóban az imént kérdezett rá, hogy mi is az, aminek eltűrésére tulajdonképpen rá van kényszerítve, de... öö... Na, mindegy! A lényeg az, hogy teljesen össze van omolva! Ez a gyerek soha többé nem lehet boldog!

September 22, 2012

The plan

  • First we come for fascists who imminently threaten to destroy democracy and force us into abject serfdom.
  • Next we come for libertarians, the relentless priests of economic dogmatism who brought us the emergence of fascism in the first place.
  • Next we come for conservatives and break down the rule of their misanthropic false morality which is rotten to the core.
  • Next we come for social democrats before they backstab the revolution and go to bed with the capitalist vampires.
  • Next we come for pimps, racketeers and gangsters able to evade the hand of justice in a bourgeois state which was much more preoccupied with oppressing and disposessing us.
  • Next we come for bureaucrats and politicians trying to become the new ruling class.
  • Next we come for soldiers and policemen who refuse to leave their ranks and start doing productive work.
  • Next we come for all the selfish middlemen standing between producers and consumers in a transitional economy.
  • Next we come for you... Because you have to work for the welfare of your fellow citizens working for yours, homie! That's the plan. If you don't like it, you can just get the hell out of here...

August 23, 2012

The ability to listen

It looks like the right wing has two definitions of rape:
one for their anti-abortion agenda and another one for Mr Assange...

What both sides of the debate seem to forget very easily is that the accusations were made by the police and not the supposed victims! This is quite unusual, as you may guess, but actually it's the very same thing which happens to women having their rape allegations denied: Nobody is fuckin' listening to them!

So maybe it's time to figure out that the first thing to do when fighting rape is to

Here's an article written by those bloody feminists...

August 9, 2012

Bon mot

La guerre des classes existe, que ce vous plaise ou pas. La réproduction de l'ordre social dans le capitalisme est une guerre permanente menée contre le peuple.

Si la gouvernement petite est tellement mieux que la gouvernement grande, pourquoi ne sont pas les meilleurs gouvernements en Afrique?

Les liberaux peuvent tu donner un peu de liberté, les conservateurs peuvent tu donner un peu de gouvernement. Les socialistes, ils peuvent tu donner plus de tous les deux.

La theorie du complot la plus malfaisante* est en fait le résultat d'un complot.

(*celle des sages de sion)

July 30, 2012

La programmation fonctionnelle

Le paradigme

Dans la programmation impérative, on dit á l'ordinateur toutes les opérations á exécuter pas á pas.

Dans la programmation fonctionnelle, on définit des fonctions mathématiques.

Au lieu d'écrire la recette pas-á-pas, on definit mathématiquement les données que la machine doit retourner pour chaque ensemble d'entrées possibles.

La logique impérative peut être émulée par une pratique qui s'appelle pipelining (canalisation) - c'est á dire donner la sortie d'une fonction comme argument á la fonction suivante.

Le programme, c'est un fonction!
Tout le programme n'est qu'une grande fonction mathématique, composée de fonctions mineures (qui sont composées de fonctions plus mineures, et caetera...)

Not so lazy

In the Haskell programming language, lazy evaluation doesn't seem to be very lazy within list comprehensions. At least on my Ubuntu 12.4 system with its Haskell platform installed, it crashes after the following statement:
Prelude> [x*2 | x<-[0..], x<=5]
It shows the first five elements, but it doesn't return. I mean, it does after pushing Ctrl+C, but you may know that's the interrupt signal on Unix systems. It's not cool!

July 29, 2012

Electronic Supersonic

def blast(x):
  if x<=0: print "Offblast!"
    if x!=2: print x

July 28, 2012

Invincible Children

[This issue is fortunately not relevant anymore, but I didn't finish the article in time...]

For those of you yet to figure out that Kony 2012 is a scam, I have one very important piece of news: Kony 2012 is a scam! Even if such eminent foreign policy experts like Angelina Jolie and Kim Kardashian say otherwise. Alas, they might not always be right!

This certainly is a very exciting moment of history! Our great culture of democracy has developed to the point when not knowing about an issue makes you smarter! Until this day, such a phenomenon was strictly limited to the world of reality television and Fox News. It feels absolutely rejoicing to seeinternational politics finally catching up.

So who the fuck is this guy called Joseph Kony?

July 27, 2012



from swampy.TurtleWorld import *
import math

world = TurtleWorld()
bob = Turtle()
bob.delay = 0.005

def drawarc(t,r,a):
    for i in range(a):

def drawpetal(t,r,a):

def drawflower(t,l,n):
    rad = 2*math.pi/n
    r = l/(2*math.sin(rad/2))
    for i in range(n):
def drawflower2(t,l,n):
    rad = 2*math.pi/n
    r = l/(2*math.sin(rad/2))
    for i in range(2*n):



July 24, 2012


Il n'y a pas d'alternative. C'est ce que l'establishment ne cesse de nous dire, et ils ont si bien raison! Il n'y a pas d'alternative parce qu'ils ne veulent pas nous donner aucun d'alternative. Ils ont tout le pouvoir et ils veulent que nous le considerions comme l'ordre de la nature, totalement impossible de changer. Ils veulent nous faire croire que tout qui se passent sont notres fautes, que nous meritons tous les malfaisances de leur léviathan. C'est comme ils veulent que nous interpretions la christianisme aussi: nous les peuples sommes totalement malfaisantes, alors nous méritons tout le malfaisance. Leur malfaisance.

Notre liberté signifie que nous sommes libres á condition que nous faisons le bon choix. Si ce n'est pas le cas, le choix mauvais est consideré comme une erreur qui doit être corrigée. On nous présente la même décision de nouveau jusqu'au fois quand nous choisissons qu'il faut choisir. Sinon, si nous nous comportons comme des gens libres, ils mettent en place leurs appareils pour nous punir brutalement et sans pitie. C'est qui se passe dans la Gréce. On nous présente la Gréce comme example pour nous dissuader: l'état en deliquescence.

Nos dirigeantes sont pourris jusqu'á la moelle. Le monde tel que nous le connaissons, il est mort. Tout le mond, tout la systéme, ils sont mortes. L'idéologie du capitalisme - la liberalisme, la conservativisme, l'eglise, et cetera, il n'importe quel - est les cult de la morte le plus obscéne et plus dépravé dans l'histoire de l'humanité.

Il n'y a pas d'alternative que la mort absolute. La seule alternative de cette mort absolute est la négation complet de cette systéme: la lutte des classes. Alors, la vie est la lutte des classes et la lutte des classes est la vie. Touts les autres choses, il ne sont que la mort d'animation. Tout les gens qui ne participe dans cette lutte, ils sont déjá morts. Ils sont des morts vivants.

July 10, 2012

Data types and Platonism

The handling of data types is a feature of high level programming languages! Each piece of data is handled by the computer according to its type. There are different operations for all the different data types. Operations like addition or multiplication are applied on each different type in a different way.

But the computer itself does not group data into types! It's just a device which manipulates binary signals very fast. It's the software responsible for compiling or interpreting your program which translates a line of code into an appropriate sequence of machine instructions, and this compilation or interpretation is done according to the types of the pieces of data involved.

July 4, 2012

The miners of Asturias

As you may already know, the coal miners of Asturias are at large. You might have seen them firing their home-made rocket launchers behind their vast barricades and you might have figured out they are very angry...

Why are they so angry? According to the media the strife is going on about some kind of industrial subsidies and other shit. Business as usual, you might say. But before dismissing them as such, let's take a look at history...

June 25, 2012

Rape analogy

- Biztos úr! Szeretnék feljelentést tenni, mert kiraboltak!
- Igen? Kirabolták, mi? Na, lássuk csak, mikor és hol?
- Hát úgy nagyjából fél órával ezelőtt a Práter utcáról befordultam a Szigony utcába, tudja, a Klinikák felé, és akkor megjelent egy kapucnis figura pisztollyal! Azt mondta, hogy adjam oda az összes pénzemet!
- Na, és maga meg odaadta, mi?
- Hát persze, hogy odaadtam, hiszen pisztoly volt nála!
- Tehát együttműködött ezzel az emberrel. Nem kiáltott segítségért és nem is próbált elmenekülni...
- Mondom, hogy pisztoly volt nála!
- Na, ne kiabáljon, kisapám, mert mindjárt bedobom egy cellába, aszt nézhet!
- Bocsánat! Elnézést kérek, hogy...
- Hát mondhatom, szépen vagyunk! Odaadja az összes pénzét egy idegennek, aztán jön itt nekem óbégatni! Mégis mit képzel magáról, hol van? Talán azt hiszi, ez itt a Máltai Szeretetszolgálat?
- Már bocsánat, de én...
- Már bocsánat, de maga nagyon hülyének néz engem! Na, ide figyeljen! Én úgy tudom, maga nagyon karitatív ember hírében áll. Jól tudom?
- Igen, szoktam adakozni, mert úgy gondolom... Na, de ez most hogy jön ide?
- Hát úgy jön ide, kisapám, hogy maga elegáns ruhában ment a Szigony utcába, ahol pedig mindenki tudja önről, hogy szeret adakozni, úton-útfélen mindenkinek odaadja a pénzét...
- Uram, ezt kikérem...
- NE VÁGJON A SZAVAMBA! Ha még egyszer félbeszakít, én komolyan mondom, lesittelem magát! Na! Szóval megy a Szigony utcában, ahol ugyebár közismert adakozóként odaadja az összes pénzét egy idegennek, mint ahogy azt szokta! Aztán egy fél óra múlva hirtelen meggondolja magát és jön nekem ide hisztizni! Ismerje csak be, hogy ez történt, és ne próbáljon engem itt hülyíteni! Mégis mit képzel magáról?
- Ne haragudjon, uram, de ez már tényleg felháborító!

- Nos, kedves uram, ez itt nem más, mint a nemi erőszak analógiája! Ez történik ugyanis a legtöbb megerőszakolt nővel, amikor megpróbálják az elkövetőket bíróság elé állítani. És ez bizony ám, ahogy mondja, tényleg felháborító!

- Hát akkor valami nagyon nem stimmel ebben a rendszerben...
- Úgy bizony!

June 6, 2012

Give Greece a chance

Zizek speech in favour of Syriza...

Late in his life, Sigmund Freud asked the famous question "Was will das Weib?" - What does a woman want? - admitting his perplexity when faced with the enigma of feminine sexuality. A similar perplexity arouses today: What does Europe want? This is the question you the Greek people are adressing Europe. Because you know what you want! You want this guy as a prime minister! Europe doesn't know what it wants! The way European states and the media relate to what is going on in Greece is the best indicator of what kind of Europe they want: is it the neoliberal Europe, is it the Europe of isolationist nation states, or maybe something different?

June 4, 2012

Wickedness of the heavens

I can hear your minds craving for a proper dosage of Zizek. I'm your man to watch out for your libidinal frustrations of this kind, so here we go!

Ladies and gentlemen, Slavoj Zizek!

So where is ideology? When we are dealing with a problem which is undoubtedly real, the ideological designation introduces its invisible mystification. For example, tolerance designates a real problem. When I criticize it, I am routinely asked: "But how can you be in favour of intolerance towards foreigners, of misogyny, of homophobia?"

Therein resides the catch! Of course I am not against tolerance per se. What I oppose is the perception of racism as a problem of intolerance. Why are so many problems today perceived as problems of intolerance rather than problems of inequality, exploitation or injustice? Why is the proposed remedy tolerance, rather than emancipation, political struggle or even armed struggle? The source of this culturalization is defeat: the failure of directly political solutions such as social democracy. Tolerance has become the post-political ersatz.


How not to hate the rich

I said there are pitfalls in hating the rich, but I didn't talk much about them. Shame on me! I'm not the kind of person anyone cares to debate with, so now I will pretend to be my own ideological opponent...

First of all, Jesus was probably not an evil man. He was not a living God, not born of a virgin mother, didn't have twelve disciples (maybe more or less), didn't rise up from the dead, the pope is not his representative on Earth, et cetera. This stuff was made up by people who knew about the prevailing religious superstitions of neighboring Egypt. That place was full of Jews even after the Exodus (I guess they thought it was mission failed), including a famous classical philosopher called Philo. It is of course disturbing that none of them cared to say "Come on guys, that was Horus!", or maybe it's just that nobody listened to them, but that's quite a different story. It doesn't change the fact that Jesus was cool. He said quite a lot of great things which Horus seemed to forget.

June 3, 2012

How to hate the rich

Of course there are some pitfalls in hating the rich. First of all, like I already said, hate is not a good thing in itself! Moreover, self-serving and self-generating hate is definitely bad. If you don't have valid reasons to feel anger, you must not hate anything!

But this doesn't mean that you cannot hate the rich. You can. Actually, you have to!

As a matter of fact, even rich people must start hating their peers if they want humanity to survive on the long run. If you find out the true reason why there is frustration and anguish in the hearts of the working class and feel with them in a truly empathic way, you will definitely start hating the rich for good. If you don't start hating them with all your passion, that means you do not really understand the living conditions of the working class. Never mind. Keep trying!

June 2, 2012

The triumph of Freedom

Yesterday's referendum in Ireland was a triumph of freedom!

Sounds lovely, doesn't it? Well, this is actually the case! In the splendid world of Capitalism, freedom means that you are free to choose as long as you make the right choice. If you don't make the right choice, you can very quickly stop being free. That's a solid fact. I wonder how many Greeks did actually know the name of Lucas Papademos before he became prime minister...

Got the point? All right then, here comes the blissful part: The people of Ireland are not so foolhardy as the stupid Mediterranean bunch of lazy slackers down there at the Balkans! Here we've got some really wise and judicious people who - after being "isolationist" and "anti-european" in the past (Shame on them!!!) - have finally made up their minds and decided to choose the right! Here we've got one more nation we don't have to completely destroy in order to save them! Of course they will be destroyed anyway, but they will suffer with pride and happiness knowing that their freedom was preserved. Isn't that just wonderful?

Oh, come on!

May 29, 2012

Sacra Corona

An ode to the imperial hippies...

Man, I do love the Holy Crown of Hungary! It's simply grand. Our royal crown is the coolest in the Universe! If you ask the big experts of holycrownology, one of them will sure as hell explain that the whole thing is about tolerance, respect of other nations, freedom, unity, equality, peace, blah blah blah. Tons of idealistic tree-hugging hippie shit. Just go and ask them!

But most importantly it is about the sovereignty of the people! Every citizen of the realm, no matter if he or she is Hungarian, Slovak, Serb, Gypsy or Jewish, is a "member" of the Crown, and the Crown is completely superior to the king who wears it. The king doesn't really matter the tiniest piece of shit. He's just a figure carrying it around. It's the Crown which matters! The nation is ruled by the Crown itself. It's a completely independent and sovereign entity... Well, except for the fact that we are all its members, so there's no crown without the people. The Crown is us! Ain't that brilliant?!

May 18, 2012

Some more laments

Daniel, thank you for the wind-up trotsky toy rhetoric!
Ever since I came out of my trotskyist closet, you just can't stop throwing shit on me! You know, that's just a little bit weird, because I've been posting all my shit on Twitter for weeks and my style was the same for countless years, so I really don't know the logic behind your attitude! Do you have some ego-dystonic trotskyophobia which you must let out on me or what the fuck?

Or is it because I used the f-word? I told you why I used the word and you also know that words representing homosexuality are widely used without a homophobic tone in Hungarian language. (Or maybe it is because our culture is so homophobic, but nevertheless they are used by non-homophobes as well.)

May 14, 2012

There is power in a union

There is power in a democracy, power in the land
Power in the hands of a worker
But it all amounts to nothing if together we don't stand
There is a power in a Union

Now the lessons of the past were all learned with workers' blood
The mistakes of the bosses we must pay for
From the cities to the farmlands in the trenches full of mud
'cause war has always been the bosses' way sir

The Union forever defending our rights
Let's fight the Right Wing, all workers unite
With our brothers and our sisters from many far off lands
There is power in a Union

Now I long for the time that they realize
Brutality and unjust laws cannot defeat us
But who'll defend the workers who cannot organize
When the GOP send their attorneys out to cheat us?

Money speaks for money, the Devil for his own
Who'll come speak for the skin and the bone?
What a comfort to widow, a light for the child
There is power in a Union

The Union forever defending our rights
Let's fight the Right Wing, all workers unite
With our brothers and our sisters from many far off lands
There is power in a Union

With social justice and equality
For every man and woman who wants it
There is power in a Union

April 20, 2012

Art is industry

Like I said, I really hate Mr Dalí. And I'm not even ashamed of it. I have very good reasons to hate him. First of all, he was an extremely disgusting person, to say the least. He had a pathologically egoistic personality and a particularly abominable penchant for the worst possible kind of aristocratic buffoonery ad nauseam. Other than that, he was openly supporting the Franco regime in spite of having played the super cool anarchist in his youthful years. I claim he would have been much better off shot in the head at the civil war, but I guess they just knew he would lick their boots after they win, for which he turned out to be very useful later on.

April 14, 2012

Laments of a lonely trot

I thank you for all your good wishes! I am still with the CWI, but I don't pay any membership fee, because I don't belong to any local group at the moment. Right now I am trying to find more people interested in trotskyism and willing to build a Hungarian chapter. I made a Facebook page called "CWI Magyarország".

March 17, 2012

Counter-revolution from the Left

*** The 15th of March is a national holiday in Hungary supposed to commemorate the revolution of 1848. Apart from (or instead of) doing such noble deeds, the occasion is being used since 1989 to stage some high-profile rallies by the whole political spectrum. This year was no exception. Daniel Marton reports and analyzes from Budapest... ***

March 16, 2012

Eljen a Haza

As you may already know, yesterday was a national holiday in Hungary. You probably know it because of Google. We used to live under the Austrian empire and we didn't like it, so we made this revolution stuff in 1848. That was the year of European revolutions - the heyday of liberal nationalism - and the people of Hungary were eager to jump on the bandwagon. You know the old cliché of our freedom-loving character which makes us think that we are the greatest and coolest freedom fighters in the world. It is based on two Hungarian revolutions, and one of them is 1848.

March 9, 2012

Anonymous for Hungary!

Dear anons! DOSing is some damn good work done very well which you should keep up in the future! Our right wing is more than ripe for some real kicking in the ass.

There is one thing you must never do: listen to the bitches bitching! I mean, when they start bitching about your "decision" being bad, because the gypsies are bad, it's not neutral, blah blah blah. Are these bitches smarter than you, maybe? Do they even sound so? You know they don't. They are just bitching. And it's really annoying.

These voices are the rotting spoilage of history. You are here to wash them away.

To the voices: The spoilage is not in our history. The spoilage is in you!

Oh, I love History! For example, I love to think about the reason why Saint Stephen, once considered the traitor of our nation, is now considered its founder. I might also muse about Attila Jozsef the communist, Ady the "anti-hungarian" or Szecheny the foreign-minded capitalist... And the list goes on and on. 

So you wanna guess who is trying to erase our past?
Just ask one brave kuruc about the Holocaust...

Sorry to disappoint you, but there is no point of decision here!  Anonymous has always been engaged against the far right and it will always be in the future. No fucking choice to be made. So please keep your lengthy sermons to yourselves. No one gives a fuck!

March 4, 2012

Python Challenge Hints

Level 0
Trying to change the URL to 1.html shows a hint. The picture says 2 on the power of 38... Which is larger than 1, of course. But it also says how you can compute the number with Python.

Paste the result into the URL between the last '/' and the '.html'. (This is the way to solve all the levels!)

January 28, 2012

Protest Math

I must correct myself at one point about the Hungarian situation. Like many uncritical people on both sides, I just grossly overestimated the significance of this love march for the government.

The right-wing has just shown that they can still beat us in protest math. So what? Does this mean the people, the "men on the street" still love the government? No. Fidesz has made it once again what they made for eight long years. That's it. That's the story. No more and no less. As you might already know, the Hungarian right-wing has an idiosyncratic feature compared to their western counterparts: they have a voracious appetite for massive public rallies.

Kimble Goes Jail

If I were paranoid enough, I would sure as hell claim that this pathologically selfish and childish fat-ass with all of his obnoxiously tasteless buffoonery and the personality of a pampered five-year-old is the invention of the Copyright Mafia to demonize the file-sharing movement.

January 22, 2012

We are the 16%!

Yesterday's "peace march" was a truly astonishing PR stunt. After more than 20 months of amok from a government doing its very best to make some policy against both sides in as many issues as possible, finding so many brain-dead morons to march for them is a genuinely remarkable feat of organizing skills.

January 21, 2012

Long live the Dear Leader!

"Emberemlékezet óta Magyarországon ekkora tömeg még nem demonstrált a kormány és politikája mellett."

Na, és a 2002-es kétmillió? Szegény Rákai Philip presztizsét ne gyalázzuk már! Sportszerűtlen!

Our great 50 cent army

Just a little piece of info for all those turbomagyar government thugs out there:

It is currently 84% of the Hungarian population who are DISCONTENT with the way things are done by our (not so) splendid government.

Mr Orban might however win the next elections, but the word "democratically" means:

January 18, 2012


It is an irresponsible response and a disservice to people who rely on them for information use their services. It is also an abuse of power given the freedoms these companies enjoy in the marketplace today. It’s a dangerous and troubling development when the platforms that serve as gateways to information intentionally skew the facts to incite their users in order to further their corporate interests.
A so-called “blackout” is yet another gimmick, albeit a dangerous one, designed to punish elected and administration officials who are working diligently to protect American jobs from foreign criminals. It is our hope that the White House and the Congress will call on those who intend to stage this “blackout” to stop the hyperbole and PR stunts and engage in meaningful efforts to combat piracy.
This text was not written by a delirious schizophrenic tea-party granddad from Texas. It was written by the Motion Picture Association of America: a huge and almighty lobby group representing the interests of the American film industry. Now you might after all get a clue of why some people keep calling these guys the Movie Mafia...

January 12, 2012

Urgent call for unity pt 2

"Ennyi van, hogy a Szolidaritás és a Milla a Gyurcsányt támogatja és viszont. Nincsen összeesküvés elmélet. Csak ha mondjuk egy Gyurcsány mentes ellenzéki szövetséget szeretnél összehozni, akkor ez a két szervezet nem lehet benne. Jó, a Milla talán kevésbé, de valahol úgyis összetalálkoznak, mert a Millát olyanok csinálták, akik az SZDSZ környékén voltak mindig."
Orbitron Megacivil Megaharcos ezt a zseniális epigrammát küldte válaszul az előbb publikált jegyzetemre. Eredetileg azzal indított, hogy amit írok, az nem hülyeség, hiszen - idézem: "a Milla és a Szolidaritás Gyurcsány és a DK seggében van tövig". Ezt nevezem, baszki! Pure genius!

January 10, 2012

Urgent call for unity

Egyszerre vannak jó dolgok és szar dolgok. Az a baj, hogy a szar mindig jobban látszik...

Már a WiFi-átnevezős kampány után felébredt bennem a gyanú, hogy a Millában valami nagyon nincs rendben, és ez a gyanúm azóta megerősödött! Habár Juhász Péter személye és az LMP-képviselők kitiltása eddig sem túl sok jót sejtetett, viszont azóta egy kicsit bedurvult a helyzet, úgyhogy a köcsögség valamivel látványosabb.

Például a február 2-i tüntetéstől mi a fasznak kellett elhatárolódni? Vagy a Hírszerző hazudik? Természetesen a Hírszerző minden, csak nem szent, de azért az egyik cikkük mindenesetre elgondolkodtató:

January 4, 2012

Man of the future

Tegnap reggel Berlinbe mentem, hogy pár barátommal találkozzam a német szociáldemokraták közül. Frank-Walter Steinmeierrel irodájában találkoztam. Frank-Walter korábban külügyminiszter, alkancellár volt, most a Bundestagban az SPD frakció vezetője, és nem kétséges, hogy a jövő egyik embere...
Russian opposition activists celebrated when Steinmeier lost elections in 2009, signaling their discontent with him. Oleg Orlov, head of the Memorial human rights group, said that Steinmeier had prolonged Schröder's policies on Russia and that Germany's policies were "extremely bad for civil society, democracy and the country as a whole".

In 2008, Steinmeier refused to meet the Dalai Lama. Instead, he issued the statement "it takes a lot of courage not to meet with the Dalai Lama these days", which the New York Times described as "extraordinarily cynical" and accused him of prioritizing money over human rights.
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