January 4, 2012

Man of the future

Tegnap reggel Berlinbe mentem, hogy pár barátommal találkozzam a német szociáldemokraták közül. Frank-Walter Steinmeierrel irodájában találkoztam. Frank-Walter korábban külügyminiszter, alkancellár volt, most a Bundestagban az SPD frakció vezetője, és nem kétséges, hogy a jövő egyik embere...
Russian opposition activists celebrated when Steinmeier lost elections in 2009, signaling their discontent with him. Oleg Orlov, head of the Memorial human rights group, said that Steinmeier had prolonged Schröder's policies on Russia and that Germany's policies were "extremely bad for civil society, democracy and the country as a whole".

In 2008, Steinmeier refused to meet the Dalai Lama. Instead, he issued the statement "it takes a lot of courage not to meet with the Dalai Lama these days", which the New York Times described as "extraordinarily cynical" and accused him of prioritizing money over human rights.
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