February 25, 2013

Flat Earth Society

Libertard: Climate change wackos. Awesome.

JD: Kill babies kill, so we can drill baby drill.

Libertard: Who's killing babies? And who ever took Sarah Palin seriously?

JD: How long have you been on this page, Ryan?

Libertard: A while. Based off of this video, I cannot tell if you are defending climate change, or simply pointing out that the media is ignoring it.

JD: Defending climate change? Am I defending the fact that industrial pollution is heating up the atmosphere? Who defends that?? (Other than the industries doing it, that is...)

If you have been here for a while you will know the US military kills lots of babies, all the time. Sometimes Americans kids, too.

Libertard: Read this a little bit before running wild with the Co2 crap. Just facts, is a non-biased site that does nothing other than presenting FACTS. Well-documented FACTS. Read with an open mind.

I am aware of the fact that war kills kids. War is a racket. That being said, we don't need to be taxed because the earth is warming. As you'll discover, the earth warms in cycles. See: Medieval warm period. This is nothing more than men taking advantage of each other for monetary extortion. Pollution is horrible and should be minimized. However, we shouldn't be taxed because we drive cars, or have a campfire.

JD: God forbid we should be taxed to solve a social problem.

Libertard: Taxes don't fix problems. It just gives government another excuse to take your money, misappropriate it, and then demand more when that doesn't work out.

JD: You don't drive on roads, apparently.

Libertard: Which explains why the roads in many states are falling apart, and the president is calling for "investment" to fix our broken infrastructure. "Investment" simply means spending, and higher taxes. Nevermind the embedded gas tax that's already supposed to fund the roads, and the federal "funding" for roads. (money that it collected from the states) Apparently, there were no roads before the 16th amendment, either. Strange.

JD: There's no such thing as society?

Libertard: Taxes don't fund societies. They are meant to fund essential governmental functions. Too bad we've done so much "good" that we're now borrowing 60 cents on every dollar spent. I suppose we should tax our "society" until everything comes into balance.

Me: Essential government functions like education and healthcare. I mean, why can't you libertards just for a moment compare high-taxing nations with low taxing nations instead of mechanically repeating the holy mantras of your perverted moral philosophy?

High taxes: Denmark, Sweden, France, Japan

Low taxes: Russia, Albania, Somalia, Afghanistan

Of course there are exceptions like Singapore, but let's just say this latter is not a very libertarian place... (See also: Lee Kuan Yew and his "Asian values")

JD: I don't think Ryan has those "Asian values" - but maybe I am wrong.

Me: Neither do I think so. That's exactly why I pointed it out.

Bottom line: There is no such thing as a free market! Libertarian principles and policies can only lead us back to the darkest days of Feudalism. All those ruthless tyrannical barons conspiring against their respective kings were driven by the very same ideas and mentality. They were the Libertarians of medieval centuries.

Libertard: I suppose forcing king John to sign the Magna Charta was a bad thing? (Hey, Barons made him do it!) Yes, the ultra-high taxed nations are doing excellent. So much better than the USA. I suppose the near collapse of the eurozone was simply a myth, and Austerity due to lack of funding (even with tax rates approaching 50%) is all just random prattling by Libertarians, made up on the fly?

How old are you? 15? This information is widely available, and it's not even opinion.  

Me: My God, LoL! Fiscal cliff, anyone? Just before you start bitching that it was all Obama's fault, here's a nice graph:

You can see that the largest slice of the graph is called... War? Nope! Evil socialist redistribution schemes? No, neither! It's called "Bush era tax cuts"! The turquise slice representing the super evil stimulus program makes up barely a quarter of the orange slice representing the tax cuts. So much for the USA doing better!

Yes, the high-taxing nations of Northern Europe and Japan are doing a lot better than the USA! They have better and more cost-effective(!) education and health care, less corruption, much lower homicide rates, illiteracy and infant mortality both zero, life expectancy for poor citizens at least ten years higher, better credit ratings, and so on. The European crisis was caused by Southern member states which are quite different from those high-tax nations listed above: They have lower taxes with lax enforcement and an obsessive anti-government mentality akin to yours, having caused a great deal of corruption and a huge black economy. (Although their mentality is not necessarily combined with individualism, so it's not so much akin...)

So you say I'm 15? Wow, man, I'm simply blown away by your superb rhetoric skills! I mean, this is why I hate arguing with wannabes like you! You just come forward with absurdly ideological statements like "taxes don't fund societies", then you start frantically posting irrelevant shit you just found on Google while shouting "these are the facts" and accuse your opponent of being fifteen. If I am fifteen, you are yet to be born, man! You're a fucking joke! And no, I don't think you make your arguments up on the fly, because I read the very same moralizing bullshit spiced up with "you must be 15" and "go learn economics" from every teenage fanboy on the whole internet! Do you guys all practice some manual called "How to argue with evil socialists brainwashed by Satan" or what the fuck?

I admit the last two of my statements were a bit silly despite having an element of truth, so I say let's just discard them. They don't even slightly change the veracity of my third last statement which is: Libertarian policies would lead us back to Feudalism! It's just that barons would be called CEO's and their priests would be replaced by spin doctors and talk radio, but the degree of exploitation and brainwashing would be the very same.

Here's a wonderful book about the topic:

To be honest, my favourite libertardian argument - most unfortunately left out of this little spar - is definitely the notion of progressives playing social engineer! I just love this! If progressives are playing social engineer, I really wonder what the holy and divine Mr Friedman was playing in Chile! Just in case I'm losing you: Milton Friedman is widely regarded as the greatest prophet of libertarian bullshitonomics and he effectively used a whole nation as a bunch of lab rats to test and further develop his satanic lore. For more information, I warmly recommend you to read Naomi Klein's Shock Doctrine. That book tells you everything you need to know about social engineering.

Back to the original topic: I think climate change denial should be treated like Holocaust denial! Denying the extermination (of a whole planet, in this case) is part of the extermination, thus I am most convinced that a prison cell would be the loveliest place for arrogant conspiracist whackjobs like you to study your fucking "facts". But this is just my own moral judgement which might be wrong... 

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