April 5, 2013

Protagoras pt 2

Scene 1: Socrates is rushed out of bed by Hippocrates

Hip: Socrates! Socrates! Wake up!

Soc: Hippocrates, what the holy fuck is wrong with you? My god, it's 4 AM!

Hip: Socrates, I need to talk to you! I have splendid news: Protagoras is in town!

Soc: What? Dude, he's been here since friday! How come you didn't know?

Hip: Oh God, I was pursuing my fugitive slave for five days and I just came home recently! Shit happens, you know. Well, at least I managed to take him back...

Soc: All right, now tell me what's the matter! Why aren't you sleeping now?

Did Protagoras rob you on the street or what the fuck?

Hip: Hell, yeah! He robbed me, that's for sure! Of all the wisdom he's keeping from me! You know, we were already finishing our diner when my brother started to talk about this guy and I just got so excited! Come on, he's staying with Callias! Why not go there right now?

Soc: Mother of mercy, relax! That son of a bitch is probably sleeping now after having spent the night with some hookers in town. I'm pretty sure you will find him getting his shit together in the afternoon. You can go pay him a visit and of course some very good money as well. If you do that, he will sure as hell become your super best friend!

Hip: Really? Man, I wish this were the case! He can take all the money I have! And I want you to speak with him on my behalf. You know, I'm young and I've never seen him, and he is said to be the most the most successful speaker in Greece!

Soc: All right, take it easy now! Let's go to the garden, pick up some fresh air and talk this through...

The two are starting to walk around in the garden.

Soc: All right, so we're gonna visit Protagoras and you're gonna pay him money.

Question 1: What is this man to you?
Question 2: What is he going to make you?
For example, let's say you would go to Hippocrates of Cos, the legendary physician you were named after, and you would ask him to teach you for money.

In this case, what would Hippocrates be to you?

Hip: A physician.

Soc: And what would he make of you?

Hip: A physician.

Soc: Or let's say you go to a sculptor and give him money. 

What would the sculptor make you?

Hip: A sculptor indeed.

Soc: Okay, so we're going to Protagoras and give him your money. Maybe we have to borrow from your friends as well!

But what if someone will just ask why we are giving him so much money?
We know Hippocrates is a doctor, Pheidias is a sculptor and Homer is a poet.

But what is Protagoras?

Hip: He's a Sophist.

Soc: Well, I guess you know how Sophists are regarded in the man on the street these days! Are you sure you want to be one of them?

Hip: Hell, no! Wait a second! Is he going to... ?

Soc: It's okay! Actually he's not gonna make you a Sophist because sophism is not really a profession. So he's not like the physician or the sculptor.
Sophism is a liberal art! It's something you are just required to know about as an aspiring gentleman of Athens.

Hip: Ah, thank God! I mean... Hell, yeah! It's a liberal art! But it's useful for an aspiring gentleman like me. I'm not gonna become a Sophist, I just get to know his things...

Soc: Hmm! I still wonder if you know what you are doing...

Hip: What do you mean?

Soc: You know, I'm not sure if you really know what a Sophist actually is.

I mean you are going to let this man change your mind in many things since you regard him as an authoritative source of knowledge. Indeed he knows quite a lot, and that's exactly why he will be able to change your mind as he pleases.

The point is that he will be able to make you believe in things which may go against your needs and interests! Or worse, he might even make you say and do some crazy things in the future...

Hip: Come on! I just said I don't want to...

Soc: All right, then tell me what a Sophist is! What do you think he is?

Hip: Well, err... Someone who knows wise things, as his name implies.

Soc: But doesn't a mathematician or an architect also know wise things?

The mathematician knows how to calculate sizes and quantities.
The engineer knows how to design structures.

What is the wisdom of the Sophist? What is he able to do?

Hip: Well, he is able to talk eloquently and convincingly.

Soc: About what? 

I mean, the mathematician and the engineer are also able to talk eloquently and convincingly about certain things. The mathematician can talk about numbers, the architect can talk about buildings.

They can talk about these things because they really understand them.

But what does the Sophist understand?

Or more importantly: What will he make you understand?

Hip: God damn it, I don't know how to say! I'm not a smart-ass like you! 

This is why I want to visit him in the first place...

Soc: All right, let me illustrate the things I said before!

For example, let's say you go to the doctor. The doctor is a man who can do things to your body and you don't know shit about these things because you're not a doctor.

What if these things are harmful? 

You know, doctors can be wrong sometimes! Would you not do your best to prove that this doctor is not an idiot but someone who really knows what he's doing? Would you not go around and ask your friends what they know about him? Would you not get over your decision many times before letting him do the job?

Hip: Yes, I certainly would.

Soc: But when your mind is in question, why are you so willing to let the Sophist change it?

You just came home from a long pursuit of your fugitive slave, you are tired like shit, but still you just hear about this guy from your brother and you immediately make up your mind to commit your soul under his care.

Does your mind have some urgent condition which has to be examined lest you die tomorrow, or what?

Isn't your mind much more important than your body?

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