February 13, 2014

Wasted Talent

Letter to woman who posted this article with the caption: " so much wasted talent :( "

Wasted talent? Wow, that's cute! It's naive and childish in a very funny way to assume that this shit coming out of Ivy League schools is meant to "create value" in any way instead of consuming it as the modern ruling caste of corporate feudalism. Come on, what planet are you from? Were the first and second estates of medieval France ever meant to create anything? Well, neither are these fucktards! All they ever learn is nothing but the Ideological Apparatus as described by Althusser: an ossified dogmatic mythology infused with more or less mathematical formalism just to make it convincing for a seemingly rational society. The very essence of their "talent" is nothing but pure parasitism. That's what they learn to do since early childhood. 

The purpose of the finance industry is simply to suck off the surplus value created by the rest of society and turn it into unproductive investments like artificial islands, futuristic weapons, incomprehensible arts or fancy arcologies costing hundreds of billions while doing absolutely nothing for the survival of mankind. These are the pyramids of today. No, there's no conspiracy here: that's just how a society with 85 people owning more wealth than a billion people actually works. That's how the system is stabilized. What we need is no more and no less than a new revolution of the new third estate: doctors, engineers, teachers, factory workers, etc. This infernal embodiment of pure evil called the finance industry is the very heart of the global power apparatus with money being the direct representation of power, and that's why it must be destroyed. Not reformed or humanized or whatever, but burned to ashes and dredged with salt. The whole monetary system of the United States must be re-built from scratch. Any questions?

Sorry, I didn't mean to troll you! I was trying to troll Forbes magazine instead, because if anyone knows how the wonderful talent of all those bright young superhuman graduates is meant to be wasted, it's them. I'm really getting disgusted of all these "See, we have a conscience!" articles in the right-wing press because the underlying message is always the notion that they will eat us for lunch and there's nothing we can do. No, I'm not parroting Zizek here! This is common sense: the point of telling painfully obvious lies which are known to be lies by every last idiot in the world is exactly to make us accept the opposite of these lies as the deep and unchangeable truth. This is why priests command us to pray for the souls of designated public enemies we are all supposed to hate, and this is why the London Stock Exchange hands out leaflets warning us that those stocks are about the real work of real people. This is how hypocrisy works, and it's not cool.

Okay, let's be honest here: do we really think that those splendid white kids go through the torment of Ivy League schools which cost them a fortune so they can start doing menial office jobs for nickel and dime at some corrupt charity NGO and become the living manifestations of all those painfully obvious lies? Do we really think there are so many jobs out there for them to take where they can save the world while also being able to pay their tuition debts before reaching retirement age? Come on!

Okay, sure they could have chosen engineering or medicine and make money while creating value at the same time, but the thing is that they didn't. Why? Because everyone kept telling them that they should be "themselves" instead of mixing with all those weird immigrants and ugly nerds doing all that productive work. You know, there's a reason why productive work is considered totally uncool in class societies. I mean if you are so much into those professions, why didn't you actually choose one? No offense, I'm pretty much like you: I studied sociology for three long years before I jumped on the bandwagon of Computer Engineering with which I'm barely getting along as I spend a great deal of my time writing pointless musings about society and politics like this one. But still I keep going for I never really felt like joining the leisure class. I'd like to be spared by our genocidal rulers for being someone they have to spare instead of someone they want to.

On the other hand I totally support the idea of a Basic Income, so I'm really not against this leisure class thing. On the contrary, I think everyone should be a member! Either everyone or no one. Humanities people can create lots of wonderful things, but these things have no exchange value in a market ruled by people who don't want them created by anyone. No, they don't want wonderful things inspiring poor people to prosper. They want a totally incomprehensible self-serving Hochkultur strictly isolated from the bleak landscape of meaningless mass-produced rubbish.

Okay, so these are the reasons why humanities graduates go to white shoe firms and economics graduates go to finance instead of saving the world. What I still don't know, however, is the reason why I must shit my pants off for them. Any ideas to change my boorish anti-intellectual mind? Are we really so sure that a bunch of spoiled and pathologically selfish young aristocrats is what the world so direly needs in order to become a better place? I just wonder what makes us consider these kids so fucking valuable! Could it be, God forbid, the very same ideology which pushed us into neck-deep shit in the first place? Hmm, I really wonder!

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